Intellectual property rights: are the rights of an individual over his or her written works. Protecting these works can provide motivation for an author to share his or her works.
Intellectual property rights has four key rights: patent copyright, trademarks and tradesecret
Patent: is an exclusive rights granted for an invention. This may be a product or a process that provides a new way of doing something.
Copyright: is a legal term used to describe the rights of an author. It covers works like books music paintings sculpture films and computer programs etc.
Trademark: is a sign that distinguishes the product or service of one enterprise from another.
Tradesecret: can be confidential business information that provides a competitive advantage edge. That covers manufacturing or industrial secrets and commercial secrets.
Unfairpractices/ violations: the unauthorized use of such information by others
Multimedia: is the combination of different technology. It includes video audio graphics and computer generated interaction.
Creative commons: is a non-profit organization devoted to expand the range of creative works. It is made available for others to build upon legally and share.
Multimediaprivacy: we take images and videos and share them across friends over networks. There is a concern about the loss of privacy such data.
Traditional encryption schemes: are not ideally suited for multimedia due to the bulkiness in data.
Specific activities in this area includes:
Privacyinvideo surveillance
Privacypreserving information retrievalandmining.
Secure classificationforbiometric data
Online deception: also known as digital deception, digital disinformation, internet deception or cyber deception. Is the use of information and communication technology to deceive other online
Informationsuperhighway: one of the early nickname for the internet. It was supposed to provide an average person with fast access to limitless amount of data.
Major roadblocks in the form of: internet censorship
Internetcensorship is not just a parental or governmental tool.
There are several software products on the market that can limit or block access to specific website. This programs are also known as: web filters.
Defamatoryreproduction or defamation is the act of communicating false statements about a person which was defined by merriam webster.
Creativecommons is a non-profit that offers an alternative to full copyright
Defamation can be slanderous or libelous statements that could damage the reputation of a person.
Currently in version 4.0, cc license are internationally enforceable around the globe.
All creative common license requires attribution. it means if they use it, they have to give you credit . This license allows other to distribute remix tweak and build upon your work even commercially as long as they give you credit.
Attribution-share like this license let others remix tweak and build upon your work even for commercial purposes as long as they give you credit and license their new creation under identical terms.
Attribution- no derivatives this license lets others redistribute your work commercially or non-commercially as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole with credits to you.
Attributionnon-commercial this license let others remix tweak and build upon your work non-commercially and although their new works must acknowledge you and be non-commercial they don't have to license their derivative works on the same terms.
Attribution non-commercial share alike this license let others tweak remix and build upon you work non-commercially as long as they credit you and licensed their new creations under the identical terms.
Attributionnoncommercial no derivatives this license is the most restrictive and only allows other to download your work and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can't change them in any way or use them commercially.
There is no registration to use the creative common license.