this involve physical and chemical interaction between earth's lithosphere and natural forces this processes are referred to as... GEOMORPHIC PROCESSES
these are landform in geomorphic process that originate from beneath the surface of the earth. ENDOGENICPROCESSES.
these are land wearing geomorphic processes powered by forces that occur on or above the surface of the earth. EXOGENICPROCESSESS.
this is the breaking down of rocks caused by elements of weather and climate. WEATHERING.
this is also called mechanical weathering it is the breaking down of rocks without changing its chemical composition. PHYSICAL WEATHERING.
this happens when a pressure caused by overlying rock layers was removed. UNLOADING.
this is when the salt dissolved in a solution precipitates in fractures of rocks. SALT CRYSTAL GROWTH.
this happens when water filling the cracks of rocks freezes and expands. FROSTWEDGING.
this happens when a rock or sediment gets carried by water. ABRASION.
this happens when a rock is exposed to varying temperatures. HEATANDCOLD CYCLES.
this is the breaking down of rocks caused by chemicals which is usually carried by water. CHEMICALWEATHERING.
this is the breakdown of rocks caused by its reaction with water. HYDROLYSIS.
this process happens when soluble minerals found in rocks are dissolved by water. DISSOLUTION.
this process is described as the breakdown of rocks caused by oxygen. OXIDATION.
this weathering is primarily caused by organisms. BIOLOGICALWEATHERING.
this is a type of exogenic process described as the movement of rocks minerals and soil from one place into another. EROSION.
this happens when the agents of erosion lay down the materials it carried into another. DEPOSITION.
this is associated with the erosion and deposition caused by groundwater. KARST LANDFORM
this is described as the moving air. WIND.
this happens when wind erodes lose sediments in the surface. DEFLATION.
this happens when a rock is blasted with the sediments carried by wind causing materials to dislodge from rocks. ABRASION.
these are formed when energy from another source causes the water to move in a circular motion. OCEANANDSEAWAVES.
this happens when the force of waves causes sediments and minerals to dislodge from a rock. HYDRAULICACTION.
this is defined as a slowly moving large mass of ice. GLACIER.
this happens when a large rock breaks off from the surface as glaciers move along the surface. PLUCKING.
these are fuel by earth's internal heat. ENDOGENIC PROCESSES.
this is the heat produced during the formation of the earth where materials were attracted to one another due to gravity. PRIMORDIALHEAT.
this elements have a half life that ranges up to billions of years and 10 to decay slower. DECAYOFLONG-LIVEDRADIOISOTOPES.
this is the increase in temperature and response to the increase in depth in earth's layer. GEOTHERMAL GRADIENT.
this is the transfer of heat through direct contact happens in the inner core going to the outer core and the crust. CONDUCTION.
this is the transfer of heat through movement of fluids happens within the outer core and the mantle. CONVECTION.
this is the movement between the materials follow a circular pattern and happens repeatedly. CONVECTIONCYCLE.
this is the formation of hot molten rocks onto the surface of earth through volcanoes. VOLCANISM.
this happens when a solid materials such as rocks and minerals are melted due to an increase in temperature. MAGMATISM.
in this process the pressure exerted on a rock located in earth's mantle decreases. DECOMPRESSION MELTING.
this happens when volatile materials are added to hot dry rocks underneath earth's surface. FLUX MELTING.
this process states that the direct heat from rising magma is transferred to a surrounding rock layers does melting the rocks. HEAT-TRANSFERMELTING.
this refers to the ability of a fluid to resist the flow. VISCOSITY.
this shows how minerals change from one type to another type as temperature decreases.DISCONTINUOUSBRANCH.
in this process magma changes is composition when the other minerals contained in it originally solidified. CRYSTALFRACTIONATION.