The belief that your senses (what you can see, smell etc) tell you what is real
Optical Illusions
Something that tricks your eyes
Buddhists believe that we are made up of 5 skandhas (like our thoughts, feelings and body). We depend on these to exist and be ourselves and all of them can change, so we can't have a fixed, permanent self
Social Media
Websites and apps that allow you to share things with your friends or followers
Thought Experiment
An experiment which comes up with an idea and imagines "what if?" scenarios to try and learn something
Something that doesn't exist, but that computers make it seem like it does exist
Virtual Reality
A computer programme that seems like real life
75% of people admit that they make their lives look more exciting on Social Media
This does not have to be a problem, just as long as we know that we are only seeing the best bits of their lives
Stephen Furtick: 'The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else's highlight reel'
Real you
Some people believe you have a soul - your body and brain are not the real you, your soul is. Other people believe that you are just your consciousness and thoughts. Others believe that your body makes up who you are, and that you wouldn't really be you if you didn't have a human body
There is no agreement about what makes a person a real person
We are a collection or bundle of parts that can change over time - in fact, there is not one cell in your body that was there 7 years ago
Brain in a Vat Theory
A thought experiment where a scientist has removed your brain without you waking up, put it in a jar of special liquid to keep it alive, and is sending electric currents through it to trick it into thinking that it is still in your body and living your life
This is a bit like the film the Matrix, where people are kept in pods (but still with their bodies) and aliens trick them into thinking that they are living normal lives
Naive Realism
The view that we know what is real because our senses tell us. Something is real if we can touch, see, hear or smell it
The problem with Naive Realism is that our senses can be fooled. We have dreams and hallucinations that seem real, Deja vu makes us think we have seen something before, and optical illusions trick us into thinking that things look one way when they really don't
Scientific Realism
The view that science can tell us what is real
The problem with Scientific Realism is that science really oversimplifies things to make them work! When you get down to it, there are lots of things that science just can't explain
Some people say that nothing is real. Perhaps we are all ideas in the mind of God. Others say that whatever works must be real, so science, maths etc. must be real after all
10 Commandments
The 10 major rules in the Bible which Christians and Jews believe were given to them by God
Ending a pregnancy by choice
Cheating on your husband or wife, or cheating with someone who is married
The Greek word for the unconditional love we should have for all other humans
Categorical Imperative
How Kant said we should work out our moral duty - it has three formulations
Civil Disobedience
The idea that unfair laws should not be obeyed
An ethical theory or decision based on rules
A situation where you don't know what to do
Divine Command Theory
The ethical theory that says you are doing the right thing if you follow God's commandments from the Bible
What you must do
The thing you want or the reason you do what you do - a means to an end
Normative Ethical Theory
A set of rules or principles to help you make moral decisions
The principles which guide our behaviour and tell us what is right and wrong
Assisted suicide or mercy killing for a person who is dying in terrible pain
Golden Rule
The ethical theory that says you are doing the right thing if you treat other people the same way you would like to be treated. This is something Jesus told people to do.
Good Will
Doing something just because it is right, from Kant's Ethics
Hedonic Calculus
The way to work out how much happiness is produced by an action, measuring against 7 things, such as repetition and how long the happiness will last
Something that is wrong
The job you can do
A way of getting something you want - a means to an end