Following the end of WW1 post war treaties were imposed upon Germany and the Ottoman Empire which stripped them of colonies and land.
This land was now administered by specified allied powers in the League of Nations.
How much did the British Empire grow as a result of post-war treaties
1,800,000 square miles + 13 million new subjects
Name 3 regions granted to Britain during post-war treaties
Palestine, Iraq and Tanganyika
What was the Balfour Declaration
A British promise to help create a Jewishnational homeland in Palestine.
The Balfour Declaration clashed with Britain's promises to the Arabs to give them their own land in Palestine as a result of their support in WW1.
Jewish immigration to Palestine in 1918 was at 60,000.
Jewish immigration to Palestine in 1931 was at 175,000.
Contraction of the Empire:
The Irish FreeState achieved formal independence in the 1931 Statute of Westminster.
Contraction of the Empire:
In 1922 Egypt was granted formal independence but still remained a British client state.
Anglo-Egyptian Treaty in 1936 meant that Britain could continue to occupy and defend the Suez Canal.
Contraction of the Empire:
Nationalist movements in Iraq vied for independence and in 1932 Iraq gained independence under King Faisal I but still retained airbases in the country.