antihypertensives, heart failure drugs

Cards (24)

  • ACE inhibitors

    end in pril
    first line drugs used in the treatment of both HF and HTN
    block action of angiotensin converting enzyme
  • contraindications for ACE inhibitors
    drug allergy, patients with hyperkalemia, pregnancy- black box warning for fetal toxicity
  • adverse effects of ACE inhibitors
    fatigue, headache, angioedema, dry cough, hyperkalemia
  • captopril
    first available ACE inhibitor
    minimizes/prevents left ventricular dilation and dysfunction that can happen after acute MI
    improves chances of survival
  • angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs)

    end in sartan
    block vasoconstriction and secretion of aldosterone
    used to treat HTN
  • contraindications for ARBs
    allergy, pregnancy and lactation
    use in caution in renally impaired pts
  • calcium channel blockers (CCBs)

    used to treat HTN, angina, dysrhythmias
    block the binding of calcium to its receptors- prevents contraction
  • amlodipine, diltiazem
  • sodium nitroprusside
    vasodilator used in hypertensive crisis
  • inotropic drugs 

    drugs that increase the force of myocardial contraction
  • chronotropic drugs
    drugs that increase the rate at which the heart beats
  • dromotropic drugs
    drugs that accelerate conduction
  • lisinopril
    commonly used ACE inhibitor used to treat HTN, HF, acute MI
    can cause dry cough, and hyperkalemia, decrease in renal function
  • difference between ACE inhibitors and ARBs
    ACE inhibitors will cause a dry cough, and hyperkalemia and ARBs will not
  • beta blockers
    end in LOL
    work by reducing or blocking SNS stimulation to the heart and hearts conduction system
    reduce HR, delay AV node conduction, reduce myocardial contractility
  • dobutamine
    beta 1- selective vasoactive adrenergic drug
    similar to dopamine
    increases cardiac output by increasing contractility and stroke volume
  • digoxin
    cardiac glycoside used to treat systolic HF and A-fib
    decreases rate of electrical conduction in the heart, prolongs refractory period, reduces HR
  • contraindications for Digoxin
    allergy, second or third degree heart block, ventricular fib, diastolic HF
  • adverse effects of Dig
    • bradycardia
    • hypotension
    • confusion
    • yellow halo vision
    • nausea, vomit, anorexia
  • nursing education for dig
    low theraputic index: o.5-2 ng/mL
    levels need to be monitored
    hypokalemia increases potential for dig toxicity
  • antidote for Dig 

    Dig immune fab
  • when do we hold the dose of a beta blocker
    HR below 60 and a systolic BP under 100
  • contraindications for beta blockers
    do not give for COPD or asthma pts
  • education for beta blockers
    beta blockers can mask hypoglycemia- regular BS checks