Cards (8)

  • What is the aim of CBT?
    Change faulty thought patterns
  • What is cognitive restructuring?

    Tackling the biases that occur below the clients awareness
  • What is an example of a specific skill taught in CBT?
    Anger management
  • How effective is CBT?
    Perry (2006) - treatment with CBT is effective 12 months later
    Face-to-face is better than by workbook, suggesting client-therapist relationships are important
  • How long does CBT last?
    Cowlishaw (2022) - CBT is effective in the short term but long term effects are unknown
  • What are the issues with treatment adherence?
    Cowlishaw (2008) - drop out rates are five times greater than any other therapy
    Only those who works may stick at it, so that’s why success rates are high
  • What is a positive of CBT?
    Takes into account the likelihood that someone will relapse, so prepares the client for that
  • What are therapist effects?
    Is improvement due to therapy or relationship with therapist?