RS - Christianity and Judaism

Cards (72)

  • GOD created the world. We know this from the GENESIS creation story in the Bible because the Bible is like a HISTORY BOOK. Some Protestant Christians think we don’t have to look after the world eventually the world will be BURNT UP and a new one made.
  • The world was created by THE BIG BANG (the world is constantly expanding). Edwin HUBBLE discovered RED SHIFT that proves this. Stephen HAWKING thinks gravity started
  • HUBBLE discovered RED SHIFT that proves this. Stephen HAWKING thinks gravity started the big bang. Humanists think we need to take care of the environment to make people HAPPY now and in the future. They might try to RECYCLE. They might also encourage birth control programmes.
  • GOD created the world and SUSTAINS it. We know this from the GENESIS creation story in the Torah. We should care for creation (TIKKUN OLAM). They celebrate a festival where they plant trees. They say grace to say thank you for their food.
  • ‘The Tree of Life’ Mosaic: -The green branches represent ‘The Tree of Life’ in The Garden of Eden (Genesis) and how God created the world. -The cross shows that Jesus is at the centre of the Church. -The ‘Chi-rho’ sign shows Jesus is ‘Christ’. The ‘Alpha’ and ‘Omega’ signs showing Jesus is the beginning and end of everything. -The twelve sheep represent the twelve apostles facing and following their shepherd (Jesus).
  • Some Protestant Christians: GOD created humans called ADAM AND EVE. We know this from the GENESIS creation story in the Bible because the Bible is like a HISTORY BOOK.
  • Atheists: Humans were created by EVOLUTION (animals changing to suit their environment). Charles DARWIN came up with this idea.
  • Catholic Christians: GOD created humans. We know this from the GENESIS creation story in the Bible. The Bible is like a STORY BOOK so we can also believe in SCIENCE e.g. God started EVOLUTION. There is a scientific research centre in the Vatican (where the Pope lives).
  • St Augustine of Hippo (Catholic Christian): God created the world EX NIHILO (out of nothing). To do this God must be: TRANSCENDENT - He exists outside of time and space. ETERNAL - He has no beginning or end. SUPREME - There is nothing greater than Him. CREATOR – He created everything out of nothing. OMNIPOTENT - He is all powerful.
  • Catholic Christians: GOD created the world. We know this from the GENESIS creation story in the Bible. The Bible is like a STORY BOOK with a message, so we can also believe in SCIENCE e.g.
  • The ‘Creation of Adam’ Painting: -God has touched Adam, this shows God created humans. -God and Adam have bodies, this shows that humans are made in God’s image. -God stretches out towards Adam, this shows He wants a relationship with humans because he loves them. -Adam is laid back, this shows humans may not put effort into their relationship with God.
  • Catholic Social Teaching: -The Church trying to stop injustice. They do this because of IMAGO DEI. The Catholic Church says we should respect everyone, put poor people first, look after the environment, be a community.
  • -CAFOD helps people overseas in emergencies (food) and to support themselves (make businesses). They also educate, campaign and fundraise. -SVP help people in the UK. They educate, run drop in centres for lonely people and give shelter to the homeless.
  • Interfaith dialogue: Interfaith dialogue is where people of different faiths WORK TOGETHER to understand and respect each other. The Catholic Church thinks this is GOOD because of IMAGO DEI. Pope FRANCIS went to a prison and washed some prisoners’ feet, including atheists and Muslims. Catholics go to inter–faith groups, take part in projects such as Interfaith Week and pray for people from other religions.
  • Abortion: -Abortion is ending a pregnancy on purpose. -Catholic Christians think abortion is WRONG. Life begins at CONCEPTION. Life is sacred and important. Abortion is murder which is banned in the Ten Commandments (“Do not kill” – Exodus). Orthodox Jews think abortion is wrong because ‘anyone who destroys a human life it is as if he has destroyed the entire world’.
  • -Liberal protestants think abortion is NOT a good thing because life is sacred but sometime it might be ‘ok’ because it may be the most LOVING thing to do (“love your neighbour” – Jesus) e.g. in the case of rape. Reform Jews think abortion is wrong but due to PIKUACH NEFESH allow it if the mother’s life is at risk. -Humanists think abortion should be available so a woman can make her own CHOICE and do what will make her happiest.
  • Prayer
    Developing relationship with God, asking God for help, thanking God
  • Items used in prayer
    • Tallit (prayer shawl)
    • Tefillin (boxes with Shema)
    • Mezuzah (box on door posts with Shema)
    • Kippah (skull cap)
    • Siddur (prayer book)
    • Pushke box (charity box)
  • Prayers
    • Shema
    • Amidah
    • Modeh Ani
    • Aleinu
  • Synagogue

    Building for Jewish prayer, worship, learning and gathering
  • Synagogue
    • Formal daily services held in the morning, afternoon and evening
    • Prayers taken from the Siddur and led by a member of the group
    • Requires a Minyan (10 Jewish people) for a full service
    • Orthodox synagogues have separate seating for men and women, no music, service in Hebrew, male rabbi
    • Acts as a community centre
  • Synagogue features
    • Ark (aron hakodesh) - where Torah scrolls are kept
    • Ner tamid (everlasting light) - lamp always lit to remind of God's presence
    • Bimah - raised platform where Torah is read from
  • Mitzvoth
    Laws/duties, 613 in the Torah, including the Ten Commandments
  • Jews try to keep mitzvoth to build relationship with God and keep the covenant
  • Reform Jews believe some mitzvoth are no longer relevant, Orthodox Jews believe mitzvoth are from God and cannot be changed
  • Jewish people have a duty to: heal/perfect the world, give loving kindness, work for justice
  • Mitzvah Day involves working with people of other faiths to reduce poverty, care for the environment, and care for others
  • Kosher
    Proper things that are acceptable according to Jewish laws
  • Kosher foods
    • Milk, eggs, fruit, vegetables, chickens, cows
  • Non-kosher foods
    • Pigs, shellfish
  • Kosher animals must be killed in a particular way (shechitah)
  • SOURCES OF WISDOM AND AUTHORITY · Tenakh = Jewish holy book. · Torah is in the Tenakh. It is the first five, holiest books of the Tenakh. They follow rules in it, read in the synagogue, read at home, Rabbis study it. · Talmud = discussions about what the Tenakh means. They use it to help them follow the rules and Rabbis use it to give people advice. · Some follow all of the rules in the Torah (Orthodox), some think that they need to be reinterpreted for modern society (Reform).
  • Jews cannot mix meat and dairy, must have a gap of 3 hours between them and use separate plates/sinks
  • Some Reform Jews don't strictly follow all kosher rules as they are outdated
  • Shabbat
    Day of rest from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday
  • Shabbat
    • No work to remind of God's rest in creation story and spend time with family
    • Celebrated at home with candle lighting, Kiddush blessing, eating challah bread, studying Torah, doing good deeds
    • Celebrated in synagogue with Torah reading, Rabbi's explanation, community socialising
  • Havdalah service

    Service to say goodbye to Shabbat
  • Rosh Hashanah
    Jewish New Year, to remember God's judgement
  • Rosh Hashanah
    • Shofar (ram's horn) blown in synagogue as call to repentance
    • Symbolic foods eaten at home like apples dipped in honey for a sweet new year
    • Tashlik - throwing bread into river to get rid of sins
  • Yom Kippur
    Day of Atonement, holiest day of the year when God judges