
Cards (25)

  • Alliteration

    Words starting with the same sound
  • Facts
    Something that can be proved
  • Opinions
    Something from your point of view
  • Repetition

    Words or phrases repeated several times
  • Emotive vocabulary
    Words or phrases used to create an emotional response
  • Statistic
    Numerical date used as facts
  • Tripling

    A word or phrase repeated three times. Three adjectives.
  • Rhetorical question
    Questions that don't require an answer
  • Imagery
    Similes and metaphors
  • Personal Pronoun
    Use of 'we', Your, Your etc.
  • Conditional sentence

    Sentences beginning with “if”
  • Anaphora
    Repetition of words at the beginning of sentences/clauses
  • Superlative
    The highest degree of a quality, end in-est.
  • Inference

    Exploring what is suggested by words, phrases and images.
  • How to infer
    1. Read through the text and identify key words or phrases related to the question.
    2. Relate the information you have read to your subject knowledge and/or experiences.
    3. State what you can understand beyond the literal information you are given.
  • 'How Does the Writer...' question
    Key points to remember: Highlight what is asked for in question; Comment on what is said and explain how the quote/language works/ answer the question is the most important element of this response. Systematically work through - evidence /effect Integrate technique reference into answer... the choice of emotive language here...'quote'... Persuades..... Consider title/tone/ language choices/ images/ presentational devices and structure in the text and respond to these ideas in your answer. (consider the whole text)
  • Time and marks: 5 marks 7-8 minutes reading and answering the question; 10 marks = 15 minutes reading and answering the question;
  • Use terms such as: 'the writer/ author' and 'the reader'
  • Skimming
    Used to lose the main ideas of a piece
  • Scanning
    A method of reading a text quickly to find specific bits of information you use it to search for key words or key points
  • Skimming is to get the idea of the text and scanning is to find key words or key points. This helps me to read faster.
  • Retrieval
    Navigating a text to locate and retrieve one (or more) distinct piece of information.
  • How to retrieve
    1. Identify the key words in the question.
    2. Scan through the text to see what matches.
    3. If no phrases match exactly, use verbal reasoning skills to find something that means the same thing (a synonym or synonymous phrase).
    4. Locate and extract the actual required response identified in the question.
  • Explanation

    Giving reasons for why something has occurred; explaining detailed a process or connections.
  • How to explain
    1. Identify the information in the text. (What do you know)
    2. Make a point, supported by evidence.
    3. Use a causal connective.
    4. Give a reason, cause or effect of the point.