CC5: Ionic bonding

Cards (19)

  • What are the properties of ionic compounds?
    • High melting and boiling points - lots of strong ionic bonds and a lot of energy is needed to break them 
    • Conduct electricity when aqueous or melted -when fixed the ions cant move around but when aqueous the ions that are carrying the charge (charged particles) are free to move causing an electrical current 
  • how are cations formed?
    Cations are positively charged ions They are formed when an atom or group of atoms looses one or more electrons 
  • how are anions formed?
    Anions are negatively charged ions They are formed when an atom or group of atoms gains one or more electrons 
  • How are ionic bonds formed?
    one atom gives the other an electron so that both can be stable
  • what is the difference between an atom and an ion?
    Ions have a charge due to loss or gain of electrons whereas atoms are usually neutral 
  • how do you calculate the number of protons, electrons and neutrons in simple ions?
    number of protons = atomic number
    number of electrons = atomic number
    number of neutrons = mass number - atomic number
  • what is the formation of ions in group 1?
    Outer electrons: 1
    Loss or gain of electrons: 1 Lost  Charge on ion: 1+ 
  • what is the formation of ions in group 2?

    Outer electrons: 2
    Loss or gain of electrons: 2 lost  Charge of an ion: 2+ 
  • what is the formation of ions in group 6?

    Outer electrons: 6
    Loss or gain of electrons: 2 gained 
    Charge of an ion: 2-
  • What is the formation of ions in group 7?

    Outer electrons: 7
    Loss or gain of electrons: 1 gained 
    Charge of an ion: 1-
  • What is the formulae of some common poly atomic ions?

    Sulfate (SO4^2-), Nitrate (NO3^-), Carbonate (CO3^2-), Hydroxide (OH^-), Ammonium (NH4^+), sulfite (SO^2 -3)
  • what are the charges of poly atomic ions?

    Ammonium: 1+Nitrate: 1-Hydroxide: 1- Carbonate: 2-Sulfate: 2- Sulfite: 2- 
  • What is the structure of ionic compounds?

    A regular, repeating arrangement called an ionic lattice. Formed because the ions attract each other and form a regular pattern with oppositely charged ions next to each other.
  • How are ionic lattices held together? 

    By ionic bonds which can act in any direction, they are strong electrostatic forces between oppositely charged ions called electrostatic forces.
  • what are the properties of ionic compounds?

    High melting and boiling points, strong electrostatic forces between ions, conduct electricity when dissolved in water or melted.
  • why do ionic compounds have high melting and boiling points?
    large amounts of energy is needed to break the strong electrostatic between the ionic bonds.
  • why do ionic compounds conduct electricity?
    when fixed the ions cant move around but when aqueous the ions that are carrying the charge (charged particles) are free to move causing an electrical current
  • How do you use -ide and -ate endings when naming compounds?

    • -ide if it contains just two elements
    • -ate if it contains three or more elements, one of which is oxygen
  • How do you present the formation of covalent bonds using dot and cross diagrams?

    • the outer shell of each atom is drawn as a circle
    • circles overlap where there is a covalent bond
    • electrons from one atom are drawn as dots, and electrons from another atom as crosses