final exam review 305

Cards (37)

  • Teaching family about care of a child with PKU (phenylketonuria)

    1. Avoid high protein foods
    2. Limited amount of starched
    3. Phenylalanine lowering agents
    4. Gene therapy
  • Monosomy X (Turner's syndrome)

    • Coarctation of the aorta
    • Vision issues and hearting loss
    • Renal abnormalities
    • Infertility
    • Increased risk for infections
  • Monosomy X (Turner's syndrome)

    • Cardiovascular complications
  • Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy and cardiovascular assessment
    1. Result of hypertension= pathological hypertrophy
    2. During CV assessment, left chest palpation location the PMI
    3. Usually located under the left nipple, with left ventricular hypertrophy, PMI is displaced to the left
  • Lines of defense against infection (immunity lecture) and invasive procedures
    • Non-specific physical and chemical defenses (barriers and expulsions)=primary
    • Innate immunity (macrophages, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, monocytes/complement system)=secondary
    • Adaptive immunity (cellular and humoral)=tertiary
  • Physiological benefits of a low-grade fever/ mildly elevated temperature
    Create an unpleasant environment for bacterial growth
  • Clinical manifestations of systemic infection
    • Nonspecific signs and symptoms- fever, chills, multi organ involvement, edema
  • Factors that interfere with gas exchange

    • Bed rest
    • Surface tensions
    • Microbes
    • Temperature
    • Dryness
  • Metabolic alkalosis
    • Excess bicarb=antacids, bicarb-contating fluids, cardiac resuscitation
    • Deficient acids- GI loss(vomiting/suctioning
  • Metabolic alkalosis
    • Neuro:confusion, dizziness, agitation, seizures
    • GI: vomiting, diarrhea
    • Systemic: weakness
  • Fluid overload

    Excess fluid in the intravascular compartment
  • Water intoxication
    Fluid excess in the intracellular space, can lead to rupture of cells
  • Hypocalcemia
    • Increases all cell membrane excitability
    • CV= fast, irregular heartbeat
    • Neurological: fatigue, mental changes, muscle spasms, seizures, increased deep tendon reflex, increased bowel sounds
    • Blood: increased bleeding tendencies-calcium is necessary in the clotting cascade
  • Hypomagnesemia
    • Similar to those of hypocalcemia
  • Plasma osmolality
    • Glucose and sodium are important in determining plasma osmolality
    • 275 to 295 milliosmoles per kilogram
  • Anti-diuretic hormone

    Released by posterior pituitary, controls water losses, promotes reabsorption of water
  • Conductive hearing loss
    Occurs when the sound has problems transmitting through outer and middle ear to the inner ear
  • Sensorineural hearing loss

    Damage to inner ear, auditory nerve or brain
  • Causes of conductive hearing loss
    • Impacted cerumen
  • Cellulitis

    • Acute infection involving the dermis and subcutaneous tissue
    • Redness, pain, swelling, heat
  • Changes in the respiratory system of older adults
    • Decreased response to hypoxia and hypercapnia
    • Not exhibit the early warning signs of tachypnea and dyspnea
    • Switch to anaerobic respiration earlier in illness to make energy, develop acid-base imbalances earlier in illness
    • Less effective ventilation and gas exchange
  • Changes in the renal system of older adults
    • Decrease nephrons
    • Decreased activity, number and length of proximal tubules
    • Decreased ability to respond to fluid overload and concentrate urine
  • Age-related changes in the cardiac system
    • Blood vessels become stiffer with age
    • The heart of an older adult is less compliant
    • Increased fibrous and calcified tissues infiltrate myocardium
    • Calcified tissues infiltrate SA/AV node, bundle of his
    • Increased risk of arrythmias
    • Diastolic dysfunction
    • Less able to adapt to workload and demand
    • Increased risk of orthostatic hypotension
  • Frailty syndrome
    • Weakness, weight loss, decreased balance and physical activity, slowness, social withdrawal, cognitive impairment and fatigue
    • Increased vulnerability to stressors
  • Vertebral compression fractures
    • Secondary to osteoporosis, cancer, ostenocrosis, osteolmyelitis
  • Vertebral compression fractures

    • Incontinence: medical emergency
  • Pancreatitis complications

    • Damage to cells, edema, vascular insufficiency, ischemia
  • Complications of renal failure
    • Don't concentrate urine, maintain bp, or secrete erythropoietin
    • Unable to maintain homeostasis while waste products, fluid, and electrolytes accumulate
  • Cerebrospinal fluid, where is it produced and pathway of circulation
    1. Made in choroid plexusus (roof of ventricles)
    2. Lateral ventricle>intraventricular foramen> third ventricle> cerbeal aqueduct>fourth ventricle
  • Cerebral aneurysm

    Subarachnoid hemmorrgae
  • Protein doesn't pass the blood-brain barrier
  • Glasgow coma scale severity categories

    • 3-8 severe
    • 9-12 moderate
    • 13-15 mild
  • Hypokalemia
    • cardiac arrest
    • leg cramps
    • hyporeflexia
    • decreased bowel sounds
  • Hyperkalemia
    • Bradycardia
    • cardiac arrest
    • flaccid paralysis, respiratory depression
  • Normal range of potassium and sodium

    • Na-135-145
    • K-3.5-5.0
  • Diabetes Inspidius
    High Urinary output, low levels of ADH, hypernatremia, dehydrated
    low urinary output, high levels of ADH, hyponatremia, over hydrated