Matters of life and death

Cards (60)

  • Sanctity of Life
    The belief that all life is sacred and can only be given and taken by God
  • Abortion
    Ending a pregnancy by deliberately removing a foetus by surgical or medical means
  • Pro-life

    Holding the belief that the foetus has the right to life
  • Pro-choice
    Holding the belief that the mother should be able to choose whether to have an abortion
  • Situation ethics

    Ethical decisions made according to the specific context of the decision
  • God is the giver and taker of life
  • Human life is a gift from God and should not be destroyed
  • Every life is planned by God and has a purpose
  • Abortion laws
    • Up to 24 weeks
    • If the mother's life is at risk OR the child is likely to be severely disabled and abortion can take place after 24 weeks
    • Consent of two doctors
  • Christian views for abortion
    • It is acceptable if it is the lesser of two evils (e.g. if the baby would be born severely disabled and lack quality of life)
    • Jesus acted with compassion & forgiveness
    • We do not know whether life begins at conception
    • The sanctity of life is broken in other circumstances e.g. War, so abortion may be another case where this happens
    • Jesus taught 'love thy neighbour', so if the mother's life is at risk it may the more loving thing to do
  • Christian views against abortion
    • Every life is sacred and belongs to God. Only He can decide when to take a life
    • The foetus is made in God's image and therefore sacred
    • Abortion is seen as murder as life begins at conception
    • It is not our place to interfere with God's plan for that human
    • All life has value even if a baby were to be born disabled
  • Non-religious views for abortion

    • It is the women's right to have a decision over her body
    • It is the UK law for women to be allowed an abortion
    • The rights of the mother outweigh that of the child as it is not considered a person until born
    • Humanists follow situation ethics/golden rule and so believe an abortion is the right thing in certain situations (e.g. sexual assault or mother's life in danger)
  • Euthanasia
    The act of ending a terminally ill person's life to relieve them of their suffering
  • Assisted Suicide

    Providing someone with the means to end their own life
  • Types of Euthanasia
    • Voluntary euthanasia - The patient asks a doctor to end their life
    • Non-voluntary euthanasia - The person is too ill to ask to die, but they are helped to die because it is believed that is what they would have wanted
  • Christian views for euthanasia
    • It is the most loving thing to do when someone is suffering. Love thy neighbour was taught by Jesus
    • Jesus taught the Golden Rule 'Do unto others as you would have them do to you'
    • Situation ethics can be applied in these situations. If the person is in absolute pain
  • Christian views against euthanasia
    • It is seen as murder - 'You shall not murder' (Exodus 20) Ten Commandments/Decalogue
    • God created human beings in his own image so only he has the power to take away their lives
    • It goes against the sanctity of life argument
    • The book of Job tells Christians to accept suffering as God's will, suffering is a test of faith from God
  • Non-religious views for euthanasia
    • A person has free will in life and this should include at the point of death
    • The patient dies with dignity and does not suffer a slow & painful breakdown of their mind/body
    • Euthanasia saves medical costs
    • If in hospital, staff can spend more time with patients they can save
    • It can relieve the family of emotional and financial burdens
  • Non-religious views against euthanasia
    • If legalised it is hard to monitor, People may not want to die but cannot express
    • Some people may feel pressured into euthanasia by their family, or they may feel like they have no other choice
    • There may be cures for a person's disease in the future or they may go on to lead fulfilling life
    • Some people may feel pressured into helping someone take their life and then they have to live with the guilt
  • Quality of life
    The standard of life a person has. Whether it is pain free and enjoyable.
  • Christian views on euthanasia
    • Many Christians believe that using the Hospice is a better alternative than euthanasia
    • Provide good-quality pain relief
    • Support the dying and those close to death
    • Help the dying and their families prepare for death
    • "euthanasia as advocated is wrong...... It should be unnecessary and is an admission of defeat" (Christian Hospice movement)
  • Why Christians believe in life after death
    • The main source of authority for Christians is the Bible
    • Jesus promised his followers that if they believed in him that they would have eternal life
    • The Church teaches that there will be life after death for Christians. It is part of the creed, or statement of beliefs.
  • Non-religious arguments for life after death

    • Remembered lives
    • The Paranormal
    • Logic
  • Remembered lives

    Some people claim to have remembered a past life. This supports the idea of reincarnation
  • Christians believe life after death is in heaven or hell

    So memories of previous lives are mistaken
  • The Paranormal
    Some people believe it is possible to communicate with the dead, who live in a spirit world. For example, ghosts and mediums.
  • Christians do not accept ideas of souls coming back to earth after death

    As nothing in the Bible supports this
  • Logic
    Some may think it is logical there is an after life to give life meaning. Near death experiences can act as proof.
  • Christians do not accept near death experiences as logical evidence of proof

    However, they do argue that life after death is logical
  • Reward
    • Comfort
    • Meeting loved ones
  • Some people believe there is life after death so that good deeds will be rewarded in heaven
  • The idea of life after death gives people hope and makes them less afraid of death. It also comforts those who are mourning the loss of loved ones
  • Some people believe that when they die, they will be able to meet their loved ones again through having faith in Jesus that we are reconciled with God
  • Christians agree and take comfort in this in hard times. They also believe they will be reunited with God in heaven
  • Many Christians believe that they will be reunited with loved ones in heaven. They base this believe on Bible passages
  • Being judged by God
    Christians will follow the guidelines set out by the Bible and are rewarded in heaven
  • The promise of heaven
    Helps with suffering in this life
  • The promise of heaven
    Offers comfort to those who have lost a loved one
  • Evidence of the resurrection
    Gives people hope that they too will rise again
  • Belief in the afterlife
    There is hope for a better future and knowing you will be forgiven if you repent