Computer Science Paper 1

Cards (58)

  • Function of CU
    -Control Unit- manages fetch-execute, coordinates flow of data within CPU
  • Function of Cache
    -Cache- Very fast memory- stores only frequently used data- otherwise RAM
  • Function of ALU

    -Arithmetic Logic Unit- calculations, binary shifts, logic operations
  • Function of registers
    -Registers-Tiny, fastest memory within CPU with particular functions
  • Function of PC
    -Program Counter- Holds Memory address of next instruction to be fetched (inside of the control unit)
  • Function of accumulator
    -Accumulator- Stores data that is being used in or a result of processing
    (inside of the arithmetic logic unit)
  • Function of MAR
    -Memory Address Register- Holds ANY memory address fetched or stored into memory (memory address is location of data in binary form)
  • Function of MDR
    -Memory Data Register- Holds actual data/instruction to be fetched or stored into memory
  • What is an embedded system
    -Computer that is part of another device
  • What are properties of an embedded system

    Dedicated, cheaper, efficient, less programmable
  • What is a GPE
    General Purpose Computer that can carry out many functions(programs)
  • What is primary memory
    Significantly faster than secondary memory(allows memory to keep up with clock speed), but limited in size. Holds data currently in use
  • What is RAM
    Primary, volatile memory that holds data currently in use by the CPU
  • What is ROM
    Read only memory, non-volatile, not written to- stores info on how to boot up computer (BIOS)
  • What is virtual memory
    Secondary Storage used when RAM is full
  • What are the units used in a computer
    Binary. Lowest is a bit, 4 of these are a nibble and 8 are a byte
  • What are the prefixes used for large amounts of data in binary
    kilo, mega, giga, tera, peta
  • How do you differentiate abbreviations of bits and bytes in binary
    Capitalization of letter B
  • What is a character set

    A standardized list of binary that equate to specific characters for use in a computer
  • What are the 3 main character sets
    ASCII (7 bits + 1 error check) Extended ASCII (8 bits) Unicode (16 bits)
  • What is lossy compression
    compression where data is removed e.g reducing colour/bit depth
  • What is lossless compression
    compression where no data is lost. Removes redundant/simplifies data e.g RLE
  • What is Compression
    Reducing the file size which helps in cases such as transferring data
  • What is metadata
    Data about data-extra data that allows the data to be interpreted by a computer.
  • What is a network

    Network-The connection of multiple devices- allows sharing of data and resources
  • What is a LAN
    Local Area Network. Covers small area e.g 1 site/building. Hardware is owned by one org.
  • What is a WAN
    Wide Area Network. Covers large area connecting LANs. Infrastructure is hired from telecoms companies
  • What is a Client-Server Network
    -Files/software are stored on the central server and client computers make requests.
  • What is a peer-to-peer network

    Each computer is connected directly to one another valued equally. Each peer is responsible individually.
  • What are advantages/disadvantages of a client-server network
    Pros: Organised files/ manage security
    Cons: expensive to set up/maintain,reliant on server
  • What are advantages/disadvantages of a peer-to-peer network
    Pros: Easy to maintain/no dependency on other devices
    Cons: hard to back up/ hard to keep track of files
  • What is secondary memory
    Permanent, non-volatile memory that is used for long-term storage of data
  • What are three types of storage
    Optical, Magnetic, Solid State
  • What are the pros/cons of magnetic storage
    Pros: High capacity, cheaper than solid state
    Cons: slow speed and can wear/damage
  • What are the pros/cons of solid state storage
    Pros: Durable due to no moving parts, very fast
    Cons: expensive, lower capacity than magnetic storage
  • What are the pros/cons of optical storage
    Pros: Very portable and cheap(per GB)
    Cons: low capacity and slow speed
  • What are the factors affecting performance of a network
    Bandwidth, No. of devices, Transmission Media, Signal Quality
  • What is a star network
    All devices are connected to a central switch
  • What is a mesh network
    All devices are connected to one another. Can be partial
  • What are the pros/cons of star networks
    Pros: Network not affected by failure of one node/Easy to add devices
    Cons: Reliant on the switch,expensive or inconvenient