USA history

Cards (97)

  • CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps)
    - Created in March 1933
    - Recruited unemployed men (Aged 17-24) to work in national forests, parks and other public areas
    - The scheme provided food, shelter and a small wage for the workers
  • AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Administration)

    - Created in May 1933
    - Increased farmers income and helped farmers with mortgage payments
    - Paid them to produce less food, plough less land or reduce their livestock
    - Any loss of profit was made up by government subsidies
  • FERA (Federal Emergency Relief Administration)

    - Created in May 1933
    - Gave quick relief to the hungry and homeless
    - Provided soup kitchens, clothing allowance and employment schemes
  • TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority)

    - Created in May 1933
    - Constructed 20 dams around the river Tennessee which went through 7 states to help prevent the dust bowl and flooding
    - Created hydroelectric power in areas where farms rarely had electricity
    - Planted trees in the areas to improve the soil quality
  • PWA (Public Works Administration)
    - Created in June 1933
    - Created long term employment schemes (built new schools, hospitals, airports, dams, bridges etc)
    - Created jobs for skilled workers
    - Increased trade in raw materials
  • NRA (National Recovery Administration)
    - Created in June 1933
    - Attempted to help workers and employers
    - Improved working conditions
    - Created maximum working hours, minimum wages and abolished child labour
    - Gave people the rights to join a trade union
  • CWA (Civil Works Administration)

    - Created in November 1933
    - Provided emergency relief during the winter of 1933-34
    - Created work projects improving roads, schools, airports etc
    - Cleared up parks
  • WPA (Works Progress Administration)

    - Created in 1935
    - Built roads, schools and other public buildings and created community schemes
    - Artists, writers, photographers and actors also benefited
    - Employed many people for 1 year and provided them with fair wages
  • RA (The Resettlement Agency)
    - Created in 1935
    - Followed on from the AAA
    - Helped those who had been resettled due to loosing farm jobs
    - Aimed to help 500,000 families to get better land and re-settle into new homes
  • Fireside Chats
    -Started 12th March 1933
    -Radio broadcasts every Sunday
    -60 million listeners
  • Emergency Banking Act

    -5th March 1933
    -Closed all banks
    -Government had to check if they could be reopened
    -over 5000 were reopened
  • Economy Act
    -March 20th 1933
    -Government workers and army had 15% pay cut
    -Saved $1 bn
  • Beer Act

    -March 22nd 1933
    -Ends prohibition
    -Creates loads of jobs in brewing, bars etc.
  • SER (Securities Exchange Commission)

    -Regulated speculation
    -No gambling on the stock market
    -People felt more secure investing money
  • Wagner Act

    -July 1935
    -Helped workers join trade unions
    -Businesses didn't like it - said it 'restricted economic growth
  • SSA (social security act)
    -August 1935
    -Gave pensions to over 65s
    -Money to mothers and disabled
    -No money to blacks or women labourers
  • Huey Long
    Who was the governor of Louisiana who didnt think the New Deal did enough?
  • Townsend, pensions
    Who was the doctor who though the new deal didnt do enough (surname), and what in particular did he have an issue with?
  • Republicans
    What political party opposed FDR and his new deal?
  • FSA (Farm security administration)

    -January 1937
    -Replaced RA
    -gave loans to farmers to buy land
    -helped migrant workers
    -some farmers wanted land quicker
  • Business corporations
    thought the new deal did too much as they didnt like or benefit from trade unions
  • AAA
    what did the supreme court ban in 1936?
  • NRA
    what did the supreme court ban in May 1935?
  • 200,000
    How many black people benefited from the CCC?
  • Indian Reservation Act
    What act made sure Native Americans could buy land and practise their traditions?
  • 8,000
    How many women were in the CCC?
  • recession
    What happened when the budget for the new deal was cut?
  • 1937
    When was the budget for the new deal cut?
  • $16 billion

    how much was spent on the first new deal?
  • isolationist
    america was this, meaning they kept away from outside issues
  • hire purchase credit
    'buy now, pay later' what this was
  • Laissez faire

    (no hyphen) to no to interfere, therefore business men were left alone
  • production line
    set up in 1913 by Henry Ford, made production quicker
  • republicans
    the party in government between 1920-32
  • trusts
    huge super corporations that dominated american business (eg. Rockefeller, Carnegie)
  • new industries
    chemicals, plastics, electrical goods making money in america
  • tariffs
    put tax on imported goods, meant they were expensive in the USA
  • Fordney McCumber Act

    (no -) an example of a tariff
  • 9 million in 1919, 26 million in 1929

    car output increase from 1919 to 1929 (how much in 1919 then how much in 1929)
  • $22 bn in 1919, $13bn 1928
    how much US farm income dropped between 1919 to 1928 (how much in 1919 then how much in 1929)