Cards (90)

  • Catholics believe that, because humans are made in the image of God (imago dei), all life is holy and should be protected
  • Catholics believe that human life begins at the moment of conception when the male sperm fertilises the female egg
  • Luke 1:39-45 supports the Catholic belief that human life begins at the moment of conception
  • Imago dei
    Latin for 'Image of God'
  • The Catholic Church teaches that humans are made in the image of God, meaning that all human life is holy and should be protected
  • Because human life begins at the moment of conception, this protection should extend to unborn foetuses
  • This is why the Catholic Church is against abortion
  • Ways a Catholic might help protect the unborn
    • Support a pro-life organisation that campaigns to reduce the abortion limit or ban abortion completely
    • Support an organisation that cares for women who have decided not to abort their child, but who are facing emotional or financial problems as a result
  • When Mary greeted Elizabeth
    Elizabeth's unborn baby reacted to the presence of Jesus
  • The Catholic Church teaches that the whole person is present from the moment of conception
  • After conception, the foetus grows and develops, but it is always the same person who is growing and developing, just like a young child grows and develops into a teenager
  • Abortion is murder
  • Even if you have strong views on abortion, try to approach the topic objectively and refer to Christian teaching
  • The seven sacraments
    • Baptism
    • Confirmation
    • Eucharist
    • Marriage
    • Ordination
    • Reconciliation
    • Sacrament of the sick
  • Sacrament
    A sign of grace or God's love. Specific rites in the Catholic Church through which grace is given to a person.
  • Baptism
    1. When a person becomes a member of the Church
    2. Water is poured on the person's head to symbolise the washing away of sin
  • Confirmation
    1. When a person chooses to confirm they are a member of the Church
    2. Their forehead is anointed with holy oil
  • Eucharist
    When a person receives the consecrated Bread and Wine, the Body and Blood of Christ
  • Marriage

    When a man and woman give their consent to be married
  • Ordination
    1. When a person becomes a priest, bishop or deacon
    2. Happens through the laying on of hands and the anointing of the hands with chrism
  • Reconciliation
    When a person confesses their sins to a priest and these are forgiven
  • Sacrament of the sick
    When a person who is very ill is anointed with oil
  • Taking part in the sacraments is the best way for a Catholic to become closer to God
  • Grace
    The free gift of God's love to all people
  • Grace
    • It is the love that unites the three Persons of the Trinity
    • It pours out from the Trinity and gives life to all things
    • It helps people to become aware of what God wants for them
    • It gives believers the strength to do what God wants
    • It pours into people's hearts and calls them to a deeper relationship with God
  • Sacrament
    An outward sign of inward grace. A sign of God's love.
  • The Catholic Church believes the whole of reality can be seen as a sacrament
  • The world and everything in it is a sign of God's love
  • God's presence and love can be seen throughout the world
  • Incarnation
    Before the incarnation, God was seen as a distant (though caring) being. Jesus was the ultimate gift from God to show his love for humanity. Since Jesus has lived on earth, people can see God as a living and active presence.
  • Even though Jesus is no longer present on earth, his spirit is still active, sharing God's love with all people
  • Jesus helped to bring God's love and presence into the world, making the world sacramental in nature
  • Beliefs that suggest Jesus is not both fully human and fully God are heresies that go against the teachings of the Church
  • The documents Dei Verbum 4 and Verbum Domini 12 try to create a balance between presenting Jesus as fully human and fully God
  • Dei Verbum 4
    "for He sent His Son so that He might dwell among men and tell them of the innermost being of God"
  • Verbum Domini 12

    "The Word for Son of God limited himself to a human form, so humans could come to understand God"
  • Through the very human act of dying, Jesus gave himself into God's hands. This led to his resurrection and to his glorification as the Word of God.
  • Christ the incarnate, crucified and risen Word of God is Lord of all things
  • Jesus always knew the will of God because he is the Son of God, and he always carried out the will of God. In his perfect humanity (Jesus) does the Father at all times... Jesus thus shows the divine Logos [Word]... but at the same the Adam, the true man
  • St Irenaeus
    Showed how the incarnation was important for bringing God and humans closer to each other