Youngestmantobepresident (notyet43 when he first entered office).
-Historian LouisGould: "Becomingthepresident in the firstyear of a new century...helpedRoosevelt convey a symbolicsense of change.
-Theodoreclaimed''Idon'tbelievethatanypresidenthaseverhadasthoroughlygoodatimeasIhavehad, orhas ever enjoyed himself so much."
The first president to be identified by his initials, TR.
Heonce challenged armyofficers to rideninetymilesin3days and when they complained, he mounted a horse before dawn and rode the distance in a singleday-the last 15miles in pitchdarkness + during a blizzard.
In the course of his life he wrote thirty-eight books and 150,000letters.
Though the president was not the first to refer to the executivemansion as The White House' Roosevelt announced that would be the official designation.
One historian claimed "yougotothewhite House, youshakehandswithRooseveltand hear him talk - and thengo home towring the personality out of your clothes."
First president to be treated as a mediapersonality.
On a hunting expedition in Mississippi, Teddy Roosevelt refused to shoot a bear, because it was tiedtoatree. The media was harmed by this and all children hoped to find a ‘Teddy bear' under the tree on christmasmorning.
Roosevelt's first annual message to congress in December of 1901, allowed the financialworld to breath a sign of relief.
In 1902, Roosevelt shocked Wall Street by his response to a gargantuanmerger.
J.PMorgan,JamesJ.Hill, E.H.Harrimen
Businessmen who merged the Burlington,GreatNorthern and Northern pacific railroads
The Northern securities company
Vast network that spanned over 32,000miles and extended to China via Hills ships
Second largest network in size only to US Steel
By forming The Northern securities company
Morganand his associates were defying the US government
No president had strongly enforced the Sherman Antitrust Act Of 1890
The Sherman Antitrust Act Of 1890 was undermined by supremecourtsECKnightscasedecision
EC Knights case decision
A sugar refining company (which controlled 98% ofsugar refining in America) wasn't stopped despite the Sherman Act being used to prevent companies from controllinganentireindustry
Itwas argued this did not apply to manufacturing companies because they were seen as operating within a singlestatenotacrossstatelines- therefore, Sherman Act couldn't be used against monopolies
On the 18th February 1902, under Roosevelt's orders, the attorneygeneral stunned Financiers by launching an antitrustsuit against Northern securities.
In 1904, the supreme court sustained the government by ordering the Northernsecuritiesdissolved.
Theodore Roosevelt claimed that the Northern securities prosecution was 'one of the greatest achievements of my administration.’
The demolition of Northern securities gave Roosevelt the nickname 'Trustbuster’.
He Followed up the northern securities suit with 44additionalprosecutions-standardoil, Beef Trust, sugar Trust DuPont and NewHavenrailroad.
This policy annoyed big businesses - because it forced them to reconsidertheirgrowthstrategies, if they relied on mergers to eliminate competition and control markets they could face legal trouble.
Forsmaller businesses this was successful - monopolies often used marketdominance to charge higher prices, so smaller businesses faced lowertransportationcosts and competition among rail companies would decrease with the ShermanAct in place.