A group containing an oxygen atom connected by a covalent bond to a hydrogen atom: -OH
Carbonyl Definition
A group containing a carbon atom double-bonded to an oxygen atom: C=O
Carboxyl Definition
A group containing a carbon atom double bonded to an oxygen atom and single bonded to a hydroxyl group: -C(=O)OH or -COOH
Amino Definition
A group containing a nitrogen atom single bonded to a hydrogen atom and single bonded to another hydrogen atom: -N(-H)H or -NH2
Sulfhydryl Definition
A group containing a sulfur atom connected by a covalent bond to a hydrogen atom: -SH
Phosphate Definition
A group containing an oxygen atom single bonded to a phosphorous atom which is double bonded to an oxygen atom and single bonded to two other oxygen atoms: PO4
Methyl Definition
A group containing a carbon atom single bonded to three separate hydrogen atoms: CH3
Alcohols. Specific names usually end in -ol.
Carbonyl Name
Ketones if the carbonyl group is within a carbon skeleton. Aldehydes if the carbonyl group is at the end of a carbon skeleton.
Carboxyl Name
Carboxylic acids or organic acids.
Hydroxyl Properties
Is polar as result of electrons being near electronegative oxygen atom. Can form hydrogen bonds with water molecules, helping dissolve organic compounds.
Carbonyl Properties
Ketones and aldehydes may be structural isomers with different properties. Ketones and aldehydes are found in sugars: ketoses and aldoses.
Carboxyl Properties
Acts as an acid b/c covalent bond between oxygen and hydrogen is polar. Found in cells in the ionized form with a charge of -1 and called a carboxylate ion.
Phosphate Properties
Contributes a negative charge to the molecule of which it is a part (-2 when at the end of a molecule, -1 when located internally in a chain of phosphates). Molecules containing phosphate groups may react with water, releasing energy.
Methyl Properties
Addition of a methyl group to DNA, or to molecules bound to DNA, affects the expression of genes.