Because of the selective permeability of the membrane
The "recipe" for fluids inside & outside the cell membrane are different
Cells are like salty bananas
Resting Membrane Potential
Difference in electrical charge between two points referred to as potential (voltage)
Voltage occurs only at membrane surface; the rest of cell and extracellular fluid are neutral
Membrane voltages range from -50 to -100 mV in different cells
Resting membrane potential is negative because: 1) There is a net loss of 1 positive ion per pump (3 positive out, 2 positive back in) 2) Many negatively charged proteins inside
Resting membrane potential is maintained through the action of Na+-K+ pumps, which continuously eject 3 Na+ out of the cell and bring 2 K+ back inside
Gradients Used for Transport
Chemical (Concentration) Gradients
Electrical Gradients
Electrochemical Gradients
No energy is required for transport down chemical, electrical, or electrochemical gradients