When I am with _____, we are almost always in the same mood.
I think that _____ is unusually well-adjusted.
I would highly recommend _____ for a responsible job.
I have great confidence in _____'s good judgment.
I think that _____ is one of those people who quickly wins your respect.
_____ is one of the most likeable people I know.
I would vote for _____ in a class or group election.
I would do anything for _____.
I feel very possessive toward _____.
If I could never be with _____, I would feel miserable.
If I were lonely, my first thought would be to seek _____ out.
I would forgive _____ for practically anything.
I would greatly enjoy being confided in by _____.
When I am with _____, I spend a good deal of my time just looking at him/her.
I would be hard for me to get along without _____.