what has 3well-developedtissuelayersbutnobodycavity? whatphylum am i?
what is a commonnamefor the organism platyhelminthes?
flat worms
what parasite is foundinundercookedporkmuscles? whatplylum am i?
what is a commonnamefornematodes?
round worms
if i am a flatwormwith a snail and one or two other hosts during my complex lifecycle what am i?
liver flukes
what is the phylum for liverflukes?
if i am an intestinalparasite with my bodymade up ofsegments, that are full of eggs. these segments break loose and pass out with the stools. what is my commonname?
tape worm
what is the phylum for tapeworms?
what is acoelom?
no body cavity
what is psuedomcoelom?
body cavity is between the mesoderm & endoderm in nematodes
what is protostomedevelopment?
developingmouthfirst with mosaic development
what is a hermaphrodite?
beingbothmale & female. monecious
what is cephalization?
development of a head
what is monoecious?
what is diecious?
what is an excretorysystem?
body wastesystem
what is tegument?
what synapomorphy have been used thus far to distinguish the phylafromeachohter?
multi cellular, triploblast, protostome, lophotrochozoan, bilateral, truetissue
describe triploblasticdevelopment and what protostomedevelopment is.
conditionof3layersendoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm and mouthbeforeanus
the different digestivesystems of various phyla and between free-living and parasiticforms?
parasiticforms have much reduced digestive system and divertedenergytowardsreproduction
what is protonephridia?
what sensoryorgans are foundin the various phyla?
what are the significantparasitesonhumans?
flat and round worms and acoelomates and psuedocoelomates
what is an example of free-livingroundworms?
vinegar eels
review rotifers
microscopic, the cilliaon the corona looks like brush bristles
what is a lophophore?
a specialized feeding structure
what is a trochlea?
larval form
distinguish an opencirculatorysystemvs a closed
open circulatory system resembles a fish tank because it spills over the top then drains a closed
circulatory system is restricted to vessels.
distinguish between a brainand a ganglia?
the brain is a whole organism that manages a coordination of structures. the ganglia is the regional control center
what is a hydrostaticskeleton?
skeleton formed by a fluid filled compartment within the body called coelom
what is a peduncle?
the stalk like part of the organ attached to an animals body
what is the planeofsymmetryforbrachipods?
what does the name ectoprocta mean?
anus is on the outside
the difference between a two way digestivesystem from a one way?
the 2wayconnectsmouth to anus the onewayseparates the flowofwaste