How do we know distances of the Moon, Sun and planets?
Measuring the distances in the Sun-Earth-Moon system
1. Aristarchus made the first attempt
2. Aristarchus figured the Moon is not at right angles to the Sun at First Quarter
3. Aristarchus tried to measure the Sun-Earth-Moon angle at First Quarter
4. Aristarchus detected an average time difference of about an hour in the two halves of the lunar month
5. Aristarchus calculated the various distances and sizes
Aristarchus' calculated values
Moon's Distance: 25 Earth Diameters
Moon's Diameter: 0.25 Earth Diameter
Sun's Distance: 500 Earth Diameters
Sun's Diameter: 5 Earth Diameters
Correct values
Moon's Distance: 30 Earth Diameters
Moon's Diameter: 0.272 Earth Diameter
Sun's Distance: 11,700 Earth Diameters
Sun's Diameter: 109 Earth Diameters
Measuring the diameter of the Earth
1. Eratosthenes noticed the Sun shone directly down a well at Syene but was 7.2° south of the zenith at Alexandria
2. Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of the Earth as 250,000 stadia
3. Eratosthenes calculated the diameter of the Earth as 80,000 stadia
1 stadium = 160 m, therefore the diameter of the Earth is 80,000 x 160 m
Finding the distance to the Moon by parallax
1. Two observers simultaneously observe the Moon against the starry background from positions 10,000 km apart
2. The Moon's position against the stars differs by 1.4°
3. Calculating the Earth-Moon distance using trigonometry
The actual Earth-Moon distance is 400,000 km
The Scale Model of the Solar System
1. Copernicus calculated and tabulated the distances of the planets from the Sun in terms of the Earth-Sun distance (1 au)
2. Copernicus used a geometric approach to determine the distance of Venus and Mercury from the Sun
Astronomical unit (au)
The distance between the Earth and the Sun
Copernicus' calculated planetary distances from the Sun compared to modern values
Using parallax to calculate Sun-Earth distance in kilometers
1. Cassini and Richer measured the position of Mars among stars from two different points on Earth during Mars opposition
2. They found the Earth-Mars distance was 70 million km, so the Earth-Sun distance is 140 million km
The modern value for the Earth-Sun distance (1 au) is 150 million km
Measuring Distances to Stars by the Parallax Method
1. The baseline must be the diameter of the Earth's orbit (300 million km)
2. The parallax is generally less than 1 arc-second
3. Observations are made 6 months apart to provide a 2 au baseline
4. The distance to a star with 1" parallax is 1 parsec (3.3 light-years)
Sirius exhibits annual parallax of 0.385", so its distance is 2.60 parsecs or 8.5 light-years
In 1838, Bessel, Struve and Henderson made the first measurements of stellar parallaxes and distances
John Herschel: 'The barrier to our excursions into the sidereal Universe has been overleaped at three different points. It is the greatest and most glorious triumph which practical astronomy has ever witnessed.'
In 1848, after the examination of most of the bright stars. α Centauri was deemed the closest
By the early 1850s new parallax measurements and the ascertaining of the seven orbital elements changed Henderson's original result to 0.74 arcsec giving the often familiar 4.2 or 4.3 light-years
The literature now gives the distance as 4.396 light years, rounded to 4.4 1ight-years
Although in 1838 Bessel and others used visual observations to measure the parallaxes, it is preferable to use photographic methods now that they are available
From the ground, it is possible to measure stellar distances up to about 100 pc with about 20% accuracy using the parallax method
Computer measurements of images taken by the Hipparcos Space Telescope have extended the reach of the parallax method up to 500 pc
Determining star distance using parallax
1. Measure star's parallax
2. Use parallax to calculate distance in parsecs
Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
Used to provide a good estimate of a star's luminosity, L, if its spectral class (or color, or surface temperature) is known
Determining a star's distance using the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
1. Measure star's apparent brightness, B
2. Use luminosity, L, and apparent brightness, B, to calculate distance, R, using the formula L = 4πR^2B
The astronomical term for power
Apparent brightness
Something that can be measured with light measuring devices
For most stars, luminosity (power of radiation), L, depends on temperature, T
Spectral types
To determine a star's spectral type, one needs to get the spectrum of the star
Spectral lines
Different sets of spectral lines are seen in stars of different surface temperatures
The brightest (most luminous) stars are supergiants. They have about the same luminosity (power). It makes them universal candles for determining extragalactic distances
Determining extragalactic distances using supergiants
1. Find the brightest stars in the galaxy
2. Measure their apparent brightness
3. Use their known luminosity to calculate distance
Very powerful (luminous) variable stars, where luminosity, L, is a function of period, P
Using Cepheids to measure distances
1. Find a variable Cepheid star in a galaxy
2. Observe it to determine its period, P
3. Use the period-luminosity relation to find the star's luminosity, L
4. Calculate distance using the formula L = 4πR^2B
Hubble's Law
V = Ho D, where V is velocity, D is distance, and Ho is the Hubble's constant
Hubble's Law sets up a dependence between a galaxy's distance (from us) and its recession velocity (with respect to us)
Doppler shift
The change in frequency/wavelength of light or sound waves due to the relative motion of the source and the observer
We take distances from observations of Cepheids and velocities from measurements of the Doppler shift of spectral lines in a galaxy's spectrum