Cards (16)

  • Our knowledge about the Universe and Nature is limited
  • Science operates with
    Models and theories
  • Testing models and theories
    1. Experiments (in Physics, Chemistry, Psychology, etc.)
    2. Observations (in Astronomy)
  • Theory/model represents reality well if it possesses
    Explanatory and predictive power
  • We can still be not 100% right about something
  • The Universe consists of about 5% of matter, 27% of "dark matter" and 68% of "dark energy"
  • Structure-Scale Ladder
    The difference between the largest object and the smallest object is 40 orders of magnitude in size and 80 orders of magnitude in mass
  • Structure-Scale Ladder
    • Different forces (gravity, electro-magnetic, nuclear) keep matter together to form structures
  • Light-year
    The distance that light travels in one year
  • Observable Universe
    • The speed of light is finite, so it takes time for photons (light) emitted by a remote object to reach us
    • Looking out in space = Looking back in time
    • Telescope is a time machine
    • The age of the Universe is not infinity, but "just" 13.8 billion years
    • There are objects that are located some 100 and 1000 billion light-years away, but we cannot see them
  • Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB)

    • The most remote object we observe in the Observable Universe, with an age of about 13.8 billion years and a temperature of 3000 degrees (Kelvin)
    • We can "see" it only in the form of radio waves due to the redshift caused by expansion of the Universe
  • By analysing the CMB, we can find that the age of the Universe is 13.8 billion years
  • Galaxies
    • Consist of stars and contain large amount of the dark matter
    • Our Galaxy, the Milky Way, looks like a CD or DVD - a flat thin disc
    • There are 200 billion stars in the Milky Way
  • There are 200 billion galaxies inside the Cosmological horizon
  • Cosmic Web

    • Billions of galaxies in the observable universe form a "cellular structure" - walls, filaments, and voids
    • The dark matter plays the decisive role in formation of this structure, because the dark matter makes the most of the mass of the cosmic web
  • Virgo Supercluster
    The Local Group of galaxies, which includes the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy (M31) as the biggest members