Cards (907)

  • Fertilization
    Also known as conception, is the process by which sperm and ovum (sex cells) combine to create a single cell called zygote, which then duplicates itself again and again by cell division
  • Ovulation
    Rupture of mature follicle in either ovary and expulsion of its ovum which occurs every month until menopause
  • Dizygotic Twins
    Also known as Fraternal Twins, two separate eggs being fertilized by two different sperms, can be same or different sex, may have genetic basis
  • Monozygotic Twins
    Resulted from the cleaving of one fertilized egg and are generally genetically identical
  • Heredity
    Genetic transmission of heritable characteristics from parents to offspring
  • Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)

    Long, spiraling ladder whose steps are made of pairs of chemical units called bases (Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, Guanine)
  • Chromosomes
    Coils of DNA of smaller segments called genes
  • Mitosis
    Cell division of non-sex cells
  • Meiosis
    Cell division of sex cells
  • Mutation
    Mistake in copying genetic code which creates permanent alteration in genetic material
  • Autosomes
    Not affiliated to sexual expression
  • Sex Chromosomes
    23rd pair which indicates the baby's sex (XX, female: XY, male)
  • Alleles
    Produce alternative expressions of characteristics
  • Homozygous
    If two alleles are the same
  • Heterozygous
    If two alleles are different
  • Dominant
    Allele that is always expressed or shows up as a trait in that person
  • Recessive
    Usually doesn't show unless paired with another recessive trait
  • Polygenetic Inheritance
    Interaction of several genes
  • Phenotype
    Observable characteristics
  • Genotype
    Underlying genetic makeup
  • Epigenesis
    Environment can influence when and which genes turn on and off, refers to chemical molecules attached to a gene that alter the way a cell "reads" the gene's DNA, cells are susceptible to epigenetic modification during critical periods such as puberty and pregnancy
  • Chromosomal Abnormalities
    • Down Syndrome
    • Klinefelter Syndrome
    • Fragile X Syndrome
    • Turner Syndrome
    • XXY Syndrome
  • Gene-Linked Abnormalities
    • Cystic Fibrosis
    • Diabetes
    • Hemophilia
    • Huntington's
    • Phenylketonuria
    • Sickle-Cell Anemia
    • Spina Bifida
    • Tay-Sachs Disease
    • Anencephaly
    • Polycystic Kidney Disease
    • Alpha antitrypsin Deficiency
    • Alpha Thalassemia
    • Beta Thalassemia (Cooley's Anemia)
    • Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
  • Carriers
    Carry one bad copy of recessive gene and one good one
  • Genotype-Environment Interaction

    Effects of similar environment conditions on genetically different individuals
  • Genotype-Environment Correlation
    • Passive Correlations: parents tend to provide environment that encourages the development of that trait
    • Reactive or Evocative: children with differing genetic makeups evoke different reactions from others, other people react to the children's genetic makeup
    • Active: actively selects or create experiences consistent with their genetic tendencies
  • Niche-Picking
    Tendency to seek out environments compatible with one's genotype
  • Nonshared Environmental Effects

    Result from the unique environment in which each child in a family grows up
  • Infertility
    Inability to conceive a child
  • In Vitro Fertilization
    Eggs and sperm are combined in a laboratory dish
  • Prenatal Diagnostic Tests
    • Ultrasound Sonography
    • Fetal MRI
    • Chorionic Villus Sampling
    • Amniocentesis
    • Maternal Blood Screening
  • Gestation
    Period between conception and birth, between 37 and 41 weeks, gestational age dated from the first day of an expectant mother's last menstrual cycle
  • Cephalocaudal Principle
    Development proceeds from head to the lower extremities
  • Proximodistal
    Development proceeds from the center to outer parts of the body
  • Early Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy
    • Tender, Swollen breasts or nipples
    • Fatigue
    • Slight bleeding or cramping
    • Food Cravings
    • Nausea with or without vomiting
    • Frequent Urination
    • Frequent, Mild Headaches
    • Constipation
    • Mood Swings
    • Faintness and Dizziness
    • Raised Basal Body Temperature
  • Germinal Stage
    From fertilization to about 2 weeks of gestational age, zygote enters into cell division (mitosis) while making its way to the fallopian tube, differentiation of cells, blastocyst forms and implants in uterine wall, trophoblast, ectoderm, endoderm, mesoderm develop, amniotic sacs, placenta, and umbilical cord form
  • Embryonic Period
    From 2 to 8 weeks (First 2 months), major body systems develop, critical period vulnerable to destructive influences, spontaneous abortion or stillbirth more likely for males
  • Fetal Period

    From 8 weeks to Birth, appearance of first bone cells, rapid growth, finishing touches, breathe, kick, turn, facial expressions of pain at 36 weeks, responds to mother's voice, grasping reflex, 6 months or more fetuses can survive outside the womb
  • Teratogen
    Environmental agent that can interfere with normal prenatal development
  • Teratology
    Field of study that investigates the causes of birth defects