kernicterus = assoc. w/ newborns; mismatch bloodtype between mom and baby
hepatic/hepatocellular - liver dysfunction
hepatocyte unable to convert unconjugated -> conjugatedbilirubin -> increase in free/unconjugatedbilirubin
combine with glucoronicacid or sulfate = watersoluable
neonatal jaundice - mom regulates bilirubin but once born take 7-10days before babyenzymes able to do this
Choleostatic/posthepatic - don't excrete bilirubin in bile
due hepatocyte or obstructedbileduct = Increase conjugatedbilirubin
if can't dump bilirubin into bileduct -> dumped into bloodstream
UVlight helps breakdownbilirubin
Malabsorption - decreasebilesalts
without bilesalts can't make micelle, can't absorb fat
fat not absorbed, use ownfat = weightloss
fatsolvit not absorbed = vitk = can't make clottingfactors (2,7,9,10) = clottingdisorder
Clotting disorder
1. Can't make prothrombin (FactorII)
2. Makes thrombin
Hepatic encephalopathy - elevatedammonia
aa reanimated -> ammonia, can't convert to urea
Increased ammonia = Nervoustissue shutting down = Hepaticcoma
Asterixus = flapping tremor of extendedhand
Fatty liver
Triglycerides accumulate in hepatocytes
Make fat but don't have energy to take out garbage = Fatty liver
Usually red, but fatty liver = pink
Altered steroid synthesis - breakdown
decreased cholesterol = can't make steroids
Men: Testicularatrophy due to lowcholesterol = decreasedtestosterone
decreased Steroidbreakdown - Gynocomastia
Estrogen not broken down -> Increased estrogen = Estrogen feminization = Enlarged breasts
Hepatorenal syndrome
Renal failure due to vasoconstriction
Portal hypertension
increased Hydrostaticpressure = Congestion
Long term destruction / Chronicillness associated with liver = Scartissue = increased contracture = increased hydrostaticpressure -> Increased movement of fluid plasma to Interstitial but not coming in = dripping into peritoneal cavity = can turn bacterial
Crushing liver / Hepaticportalvein
If hard to move forward, starts to backup = splenomegally / Varicies
Result: Splenomegally, Varicies, Ascites
End Stage of liver failure
Infectious Liver Disease
Hepatitis A, B,C, D, E
Can cause acute or chronic
Infective agent virus: Lymphocytes accumulate but no exudate
Inflammatory event: have fever, Jaundice, nausea, decreased appetite
hepatitis A
acute inflammation, but resolves
fatality - 0.1%
fecal - oral transmission
assoc. with unsanitaryconditions
daycare/schools/crowded conditions - children or people that work with children
Course of Hep A
2-6week incubation
lifelong immunity
vaccine (1992)
incidence in US is variable
Hepatitis B
both - acute and chronic
transmission - assoc. w bodyfluid (blood, vaginalsecretions, semen, saliva)
90%mother to baby during birth
Course of Hep B
lots of outcomes
acute -> resolve or severe or chronic
chronic -> non-progressive or progressive or carrier
incubation: 4-26weeks
serum hepatitis - liver signs
HbsAg vaccine - capsuleantigen
2billion infected wordwide
Hep C
transmission bloodborne - IV users, multisex partners, surgery posttransfusion (90% of cases), needlestick, contact with HCV person
employed in med
Course of Hep C
acute -> chronic active liver disease
cause of 50% of livertransplants
Hepatitis D (dual)
Have to have Hepatitis B + HepatitisD
acute with hepb infection
co-infections results -> livernecrosis
transmission: bloodborne
Hepatitis E (exotic)
zoonotic disease = transmitted from animals: monkey, cat, dog