Describe and evaluate animal research into attachment (16 marks)
- divided goose eggs into two batches
- incubated one batch, left the other with the mother
- he was first large moving object the incubated saw after hatching
- those with mother followed mother, those saw him followed him
- persisted over time-irreversible
- imprint on yellow washing gloves
- in adulthood tried to mate with gloves
- eventually with experience preferred mating with other chickens
- cannot be generalised to humans
- birds and mammals very different
- mammals show more emotional attachment thsn birds
- investigated behaviour in monkeys
- were kept in cages and raised by a cloth mother and wire mother with food
- observed and behaviour was recorded
- they found the monkeys spent much more time with cloth mother than wire mother
- helped us to understand the effects of neglect on children
- practical application for zoo animals in captivity and good attachment figures
- hurt or even killed their children
- similarity to humans, same as doing so it a baby which is unethical