communication is a process in which info is exchanged
Interpersonal communication refers to the exchangeofinformation, feelings, and meaning between twoormore people through verbal and non-verbal methods.
Dyadic Communication refers to communication between twoindividuals who are responding to each other
forms of dyadic communication
Conversation is the most common form of dyadic communication. It may be defined as a friendly and usual informal talk between two people who exchange their views and ideas.
Dialogue is the most personal and intimate form of dyadic communication. It is a talk of any kind between you and your friend that brings magic, eradicating the factors that divide or hinder communication between the two of you.
Interview is a form of dyadic communication that is considered a two-wayprocess where both parties alternately talk and listen.
Motivational Interview- involves multiple objectives such as employmentscreening, creating stories, counseling, receiving complaints and connecting.
StructuredInterview- involves rapport building which is created by a warm and positiveclimate which reduces anxiety and defensiveness, for it is conducted by the interviewer to extract knowledge, information and data from the respondent.
2. BeCourteous
4. BeSpecific
5. Make It Relevant
6. MeanIt
7. Choose the AppropriateLevel of Usage
8. MonitorBodyLanguage
9. Communicate with Paralanguage: Volume, Rate, Inflection