Cards (18)

  • Arianism
    Jesus Christ is NOT truly divine, but He is JUST merely a human being
  • Arianism
    • It stresses out the unique characteristic of God who is self-existent and absolute
    • Jesus Christ, the Son, who experiences growth and change, can NEVER achieve the same
  • Opponents of Arianism
    Bishop Athanasius
  • Athanasius' arguments against Arianism
    • Arius' claim undermines the concept of redemption
    • The controversy was raised to the council of Nicaea called upon by Emperor Constantine
  • Apollinarianism
    • Christological heresy: doesn't acknowledge the human soul in Christ
    • Denies the fact that as both human and divine, Jesus has no human rational mind
  • The doctrine of the Church condemned Apollinarianism
  • The Council Fathers offered arguments in rebuttal of Apollinarianism
  • Nestorianism
    • Claims that Jesus has two persona- Divine and Human
    • Denies the fact that Jesus is a unified person
  • Nestorianism was opposed by Cyril of Alexandria and later on by the Council of Ephesus 431 and Council of Chalcedon 451
  • Ebionism
    • Derived from Hebrew origin, "The Poor Ones" this Jewish sect considered Jesus as the Messiah BUT NOT Divine
    • Ebionites denied Jesus' divinity and just considered Him as the Father's "adopted" Son
  • The Church of Rome condemned the Ebionism heresy
  • Adoptionism
    A Christian heresy claims that Jesus has a dual sonship relationship. As divine, He is the natural son of God but as human, He is only an adopted son
  • Pope Adrian I condemned the Adoptionism heresy
  • Monophysitism
    • It claims that Jesus Christ has only one nature
    • It has two tenets: Eutychianism (Jesus is ONLY divine) and Apollinarianism (Jesus is ONLY human)
    • This denies the hypostatic union of Christ
  • Monophysitism was rejected at the council of Chalcedon 451
  • Macedonianism
    • This heresy denies the divinity of the Holy Spirit
    • The Holy Spirit was considered an angel of higher importance than other angels
  • Modalism
    • Also known as "Sabellianism"
    • It says that God is one person who has uncovered himself in modes as opposed to the teaching of Trinity
    • Jesus was just God acting in one mode or part, and the Holy Spirit at Pentecost was God acting in an alternate mode
  • Tritheism
    A teaching that the Godhead is three separate beings with three separate god personas