What are the factors that affect PED?
1. if the product is a necessity, it is usually more price inelastic than goods that satisfy human wants
- Veblen (luxury) goods are elastic
- the higher the number of substitutes, the more elastic
- the lower the number of substitutes, the more inelastic
3. time period consumer have to search for substitutes
- the longer they have to find substitutes, the more likely they'll find it, more elastic (e.g. television), do not need to purchase item frequently
- in short run, inelastic
4. the cost of switching to a different supplier
if cost is expensive, more inelastic
if cost is cheaper, more elastic
5. Proportion of consumer's income spent on the product
- small proportion of income, price inelastic
- large proportion of income, price elastic
6. addictive or non-addictive