Cards (44)

  • Holy Mass
    The liturgy in which the mystery of salvation is accomplished
  • Holy Communion
    by this sacrament, we unite ourselves to Christ, who makes us sharers in His Body and blood to form a single body
  • Holy and Divine Liturgy
    The Church's whole liturgy find its center and most intense expression in the celebration of this sacrament
  • Memorial
    It commemorates the Lord's Passion and Ressurection
  • Eucharistic Assembly

    The Eucharist is celebrated amid the assembly of the faithful, the visible expression of the Church
  • Breaking of the Bread
    Jesus used this rite when, He as the master at the table, He blessed and distributed the bread at the Last Supper
  • Eucharist: the Christian service, ceremony, or sacrament commemorating the Last Supper, in which bread and wine are consecrated and consumed
  • Eucharist an action of thanksgiving to God.
  • Eucharist comes from the Greek word eucharistein and eulogin
  • Jesus instituted the Holy Eucharist during the Last Supper.
  • According to CFC says that the personal motivation for going to Mass varies greatly
  • The celebration of the Mass is a remembrance of the sacrifice done by Jesus on the cross for our salvation.
  • Baptism
    The first sacrament, the door to other sacraments
  • Baptize
    To immerse in water, to sprinkle or pour water on in the Christian rite of Baptism; to 'christen', to cleanse spiritually; to initiate or dedicate by purifying
  • Any person who is not yet baptized can be baptized. The only prerequisite for baptism is faith. At the baptism of infants, the parents and godparents make the profession of faith on behalf of the child.
  • When baptized, the person becomes a member of the Christian Church. There is only a need for ONE Baptism and it cannot be repeated, although vows can be renewed in a personal act of affirmation.
  • White garment Jesus wore when he was placed in the tomb after his death on Good Friday. It represents the promise of the Resurrection, made at Baptism.
  • Oil
    Represents being set apart for a particular mission. When baptized, we are anointed as priests, prophets, and king and share in the mission of Christ.
  • Candle
    Lit from the Easter (Paschal) candle and represents Jesus, the light of the world. It also represents the flame of faith.
  • Name
    To be baptized by a name signifies that God knows each one of us individually and he calls everyone into a special relationship with him. Christians often choose the names of saints at Baptism.
  • Water is known for two important uses cleansing and relieving thirst. Those who are not yet baptized do not have Jesus in them, thus they thirst for Him. The grace of being united with Jesus, thus ending the thirst for Him, is signified by water. Also, just as water is used for cleansing, its use in Baptism symbolizes and brings about cleansing from all sin. Freed from sin, the baptized are reborn to new life.
  • Form of Baptism
    N. I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit
  • Ministers of Baptism
    • Bishop
    • Priest/Deacon
    • Emergency - anyone
  • Baptism serves as the first sacrament one receives when entering the Catholic Faith. It is a sacrament of initiation (which you can only receive one time), meaning once you receive it, you officially enter into the body of Christ, the Catholic Church. The recipient receives justifying and sanctifying grace when baptized, and the Holy Spirit begins to dwell within them
  • San Francisco De Capillas
    • Feast day January 15
  • San Francisco De Capillas died during the holy eucharist on January 15 1648
  • san francisco de capillas is a provincial chapter
  • Santa Magdalena De Nagasaki was left on her own resources at the age of twenty-two
  • Santa Magdalena De Nagasaki feast day on September 28
  • Santa Rosa De Lima: feast day august 25, Catherine of Siena as her model and the secondary patroness of the Philippines
  • San Jose; Feast day March 19 and May 1 the patron saint of the universal church
  • San Luis Beltran: Feast day October 9. The gun that turned into a crucifix
  • San Martin De Porres: Feast day November 5. The patron saint of the poor and the sick. The saint of Humility and the first Negro From the New World to attain the rank of Sainthood
  • Santa De Catalina De Ricci: feast day February 4; received an extraordinary favors from God including Mystical espousal and sacred stigma
  • San Lorenzo Ruiz De Manila: feast day September 28. The first Filipino Proto-martyr
  • 7 Gifts of the holy Spirit: Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, and Fear of the Lord.
  • Reconciliation or confession: we acknowledge our sins before God and the Church.
  • Wisdom
    Seeing God at work in our lives and in the world, matters of judgment about the truth, being able to see the whole image of God, seeing God as our Father and other people with dignity, being able to see God in everyone and everything everywhere
  • Understanding
    Comprehending how we need to live as a follower of Christ, not being confused by conflicting messages in our culture about the right way to live, knowing self-evident principles
  • Counsel (Right Judgment)

    Knowing the difference between right and wrong, choosing to do what is right, avoiding sin and living out the values taught by Jesus, responding prudently and happily to believe our Christ the Lord