The methods and principles used to determine various astronomical measurements and properties
Introductory Astronomy, Chapter 3
What we can know
The distance of the Sun
The distances of planets
The distances of stars and galaxies
That the Earth spins
That the Earth orbits around the Sun
The mass of the Sun
The mass of our Galaxy
The size and structure of the Galaxy
Measuring distances in astronomy
The methods and principles used to determine astronomical distances and sizes
Measurements/Principles used
Pythagoras (Earth is a sphere)
Eratosthenes (Earth diameter)
Aristarchus (Lunar parallax, lunar month)
Copernicus (Mapping of the Solar System)
Cassini & Richer (Parallax of Mars)
Halley, Cook (Transit of Venus)
Bessel, Struve, Henderson (Stellar parallaxes)
Hertzsprung & Russell (H-R Diagram)
Leavitt (Cepheids)
Hubble (Hubble's Law, Supernovae as standard candles)
570 - 495 BC
276 - 194 BC
Aristarchus of Samos
310 - 230 BC
Nicolas Copernicus
G. Cassini & J. Richer
E. Halley, James Cook
1716, then 1769
Friedrich Bessel, Struve, Thomas Henderson
Hertzsprung & Russell
Henrietta Leavitt
Edwin Hubble
Supernovae as standard candles
Aristarchus of Samos
Considered the Moon at 1st and Last Quarter phases, noticed it is not at right angles to the Sun in the sky
Tried to measure the Sun-Earth-Moon angle at 1st Quarter but found it impossible with available instruments
Detected an average time difference of about an hour in the two halves of the lunar month
Lunar eclipse
The black strip is the Earth's shadow on the Moon
It was probably known before Aristarchus's measurements that the Earth is bigger than the Moon by the factor 4-5
The Earth's shadow on the Moon observed during lunar eclipses had diameter 4-5 times bigger than the Moon
Aristarchus's measurements (in diameters of the Earth)
Moon's Distance: 10
Moon's Diameter: 0.33
Sun's Distance: 200
Sun's Diameter: 7
Modern measurements (in diameters of the Earth)
Moon's Distance: 30
Moon's Diameter: 0.272
Sun's Distance: 11,700
Sun's Diameter: 109
tan(0.5 deg) ≈ 1/100, where 0.5° is the angular size of the Moon and the Sun on the sky
Angular measurement
The ratio of the distance to the radius of an object can be determined from the angle measured
The angular diameter of the Moon is 0.5 degrees, same as the Sun. Just a coincidence?
Aristarchus's reasoning
The Moon is 4-5 times smaller than the Earth and orbits it
The Earth is 4-5 times smaller than the Sun, so it should orbit the Sun, not vice versa
The Sun is the biggest, therefore it occupies the central position in the Universe
Noticed the Sun shone directly down a well in Syene on the first day of summer, while in Alexandria it was 7.2° south of the zenith
Believed the Earth was spherical and the Sun's rays were parallel
Calculated the Earth's circumference and diameter based on the 7.2° difference and the distance between Syene and Alexandria
The phenomenon by which a nearby object appears to shift its position against remote background objects when the observer changes position
Ptolemy's method for finding the distance to the Moon
Two observers simultaneously observe the Moon against the starry background from positions 10,000 km apart, and measure the Moon's position shift of 1.4°
The Earth-Moon distance can then be calculated using trigonometry
Copernicus's work
Calculated and tabulated the distances of the planets from the Sun in terms of the Earth-Sun distance (AU)
Proposed the heliocentric system, in contrast to the geocentric system
Aristotle was a Greek philosopher, a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great
sin (0.7°)
5000 km / X
5000 km / X
5000 km / 0.0125 = 400,000 km
5000 km
In actual practice, two simultaneous observations are not necessary. The rotation of the Earth during the night will carry a single observer from one point to the other. During this time, however, the Moon will have moved a short distance in its orbit. This motion must be subtracted before the true parallax can be determined.
Helio-centric system
Copernicus calculated and tabulated the distances of the planets from the Sun in terms of the Earth-Sun distance (AU)
Geo-centric system
Ptolemaic model of the universe
Claudius Ptolemy was a Greek astronomer who formulated a geocentric model of the universe
Nicolaus Copernicus formulated a heliocentric model of the universe, which placed the Sun, rather than the Earth, at the center