The following are the example of embroidery materials,
EXCEPT? - Basketweave
It is the art of folding paper. - Origami
The following are the examples of embroidery
tools, EXCEPT? - Fabric
The most common used outline element of embroidery design
is_________. - Running stitch
What is the name of a small dot made by wrapping the
floss around the needle a
few times before sewing and
is often used to add details
such as eyes and button
This referred to as the center of interest of a
Which stitch is the simplest and easiest to do - Running stitch
It is use for measuring more than one-foot distance or
- tape measure
It is tool where the embroidery tools and
materials keep together. - Sewing box
It is tiny, sharp and pointed that is used in fine work to trim scallops,
cut threads and cut large eyelets. - Embroidery hoop
It is a place for pins and needles. - pin cushion
This makes them perfect for embroidery, thread-counting
and even for the needlepoint. - Crewell
Which of the following does not belong to an
embroidery tool? - Fabric
What is the importance of recycling? - Conserve resources
A type of looped stitch used to create dainty flower
petals is called - Laizy Daisy Chain stitch
is an art of packing, wrapping and decorating
an item or article to be
given as a gift. - giftwrapping
These are the colors formed by mixing a
primary and a
secondary color - tertiarycolor
It is made from wood, bone, metal or plastic to produce
eyelets in the fabric for
embroidery - embroideryhoop
It includes the use of waste materials in the production
process. - internal recycling
What is embroidery? - A Decorative sewing done to enhancetextiles
Who discovered recycling? - RittenhouseFamily
This needle is a blunt instead of pointed. - Tapestry
This is intended for hard anger embroidery since the
number of threads per
square inch is same for both
warp and woof.
- Evenweave
He developed a method of folding patterns.
- Akira Yoshizawa
It is commonly used by beginners and ramie linen by
those who have been used to
this embroidery. - Basketweave
It is a method of converting an object that
has already served its
original function but can
still be used for another
- Recycling
The art where thin strips or sheets of paper are
glued together to make
new designs that are
durable, and colorful is
called - weaving
It is stitch with a loop and stitches evenly worked on
both left and right sides of
a design - featherstitch
It refers to the 3 pigment colors that cannot be
mixed or formed by any
combination of other
- Primarycolors
This refers to a decorative stitch and can be
experimented with
threads for various colors
over bord - Looped stitch
It refers to the solid filling stitch that is used to cover
a design area with long,
straight stitches worked
very close tog - Satinstitch
It is the Law of Unity with variety. This principle
infers repetition of line,
form, shape and size.
- Harmony
May be produced in two ways, either formal or
informal. - balance
It is a smooth related movement. - đŸª˜ Rhythm
Where did paper folding originate?
- China
It offers instructions for crossstitching and smocking having a pattern that is equally spaced like
gingham fabric and polka dots.
- Basketweave
It includes mostly tightly woven fabrics with a
relatively smooth surface like
linen, wool and cotton.
- CommonWeave
Skeleton or foundation sketch to direct the eye
vertically or horizintall - Line
Refers to the surface appearance, which is
rough or smooth, dull, or
glossy, thick - Texture