High quality diets = Decreased rates of congenital malformation & fetal growth restriction
Energy need
Increase average 300 kcal/ day
Protein & fat synthesis + Maintain expanding amount of metabolicallyactive tissue
Energy requirements changes depending on the timing of maternal & fetaltissueformation
1st trimester: noincrease
2nd trimester: + 340 kcal/ day
3rd trimester: + 452 kcal/ day
45-65% total calorie intake; Min.: 175g per day
Function: Meet the fetal brain’s need of glucose
Maintain blood sugar level: Small + Frequent nutrient dense meals
Function: Provide aminoacid for tissueaccretion (e.g. skin, muscle, enzyme, antibody, collagen, placenta, uterus, breast)
RDA: Additional 25 g per day > Non-pregnant women; Prevent musclebreakdown
X High protein supplement; Harmful to the infant’s development
Similar to non-pregnant; High nutrient requirement leave X room in the diet for excess fat
Essential FA (e.g. Omega-3 & Omega-6): Structural components of cellmembrane in the brain, Neural tissue, Retina of the fetus, Precursors for Eicosanoids
13 g of linoleic acid (Omega-6) daily; 1.4 g of other essential FA & alpha linolenic acid (Omega-3)