This application is designed to let the users enjoy programming.
bothoffline and online
drag and dropapproach
Scratch was developed by the LifelongKindergartenGroup at the MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology (MIT) MediaLab in the year 2006.
TURNTABLISMAPPLICATION - 1 st software title of Scratch
DiscJockeys (DJ)
Turntablism = Scratching
Opening the Scratch Application
A) Start
B) All Programs
C) Scratch folder
D) Scratch.exe
Scratch is developed by LifelongKindergartenGroup in 2005 and created by MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology in 2006.
Parts of Scratch
A) Language
B) Save
C) Share
D) Blocks Palette
E) Sprite Rotation Style
F) Current Sprite Info
G) Tabs
H) Scripts Area
I) Toolbar
J) View Mode
K) Presentation Mode
L) Green Flag
M) Stop Sign
N) Stage
O) New Sprite Button
P) Mouse X and Y Display
Q) Sprite List
Language – used to edit the language of your preference.
Save – enables you to save your project.
Share – enables you to share your project.
BlocksPalette – for programming your sprite.
SpriteRotationStyle – enables you to rotate or flip your sprite.
CurrentSpriteInfo – this is where you can see your current sprite’s info.
Tabs – this is where you select if you’re going to add/edit script, costume or sound.
ScriptsArea – this is where you drag your blocks and put them together into scripts.
Toolbar – enables you to edit your sprite.
View Mode – enable you to change your stage view into large or small.
PresentationMode – enables you to show your project in full screen.
GreenFlag – one way to start your scripts.
Stopsign – stops all scripts.
Stage – this is where you can preview your sprites’ movements.
NewSpriteButtons – enables you to add new sprites or objects to your project.
Mouse XandYDisplay – shows the location of your mouse cursor.
SpriteList – shows your stage and all of your sprites wherein you can edit them by simply clicking on the sprites
Changing Stage Backgrounds
A) New background
B) Paint
C) Import
D) Camera
JPEG , JPG , PNG and BITMAP = image file formats applicable in Scratch Application.
Fill in the blanks
A) Costume
Fill in the blanks
A) Paint
B) Import
C) Camera
In order to open an existing project in Scratch, go to File ► Open ► Examples. Then from the list of projects, select the “DayDream” project in the Animation folder. Click OK when done.
For you to view your project in a full screen mode, click the; Switchtopresentation mode found on the upper right side of the screen just above the stage.
To save; go to File ► Save or File ►SaveAs. Another way of saving your project is to press CTRL+S on your keyboard
Scripts are made up of Scratch blocks. Scratchblocks have particular shapes.