1988 EducationReform Act: Funding formula, League Tables
New Labour - Academies
Coalition Government - Free Schools, Privatisation of Education
The New Right have a similar perspective on education to functionalists
However, they tend to think that contemporary state education fails to perform the role it should perform because of centralised state control and policies that seek to standardise and improve equality
New Right's perspective on education
Education needs to be more competitive, more about choice and winning and losing and less about collaboration and fairness
For the New Right, there should be competition within schools, competition between schools
This will drive up educational standards as schools try to attract customers (parents) with impressive results
The more the education system could follow the private school model, the better they would become
New Right's concern about local authorities with left-wing councils
Children might learn history that was not sufficiently patriotic or there might be radical ideas about gender or sexual orientation that would not reflect the views of the children's parents
New Right's solution
Reorganise education to put the parents in control (to create a parentocracy) so the value consensus would be set by the parents, and not by politicians who were often far from the mainstream