Cards (37)

  • mean marking of plants position in the field
  • may also include provision for roads, water darinage and farm buildings

  • critical palnning is..
    deemed important
  • characterized by "plant to plant and row distance"

    square system
  • means distance from plant and row to row in the same or equidistant from each other

    "plant to plant and row distance"
  • a plant positiond at the right angle of each other and for every four plants a ..... is formed

    square shaped
  • similar to square system
    rectangular system
  • has more space between rows and between the plants in a row
    rectangular system
  • facilitates efficacy of land use

    haxagonal or triangular ystem
  • suitable for fertile land with good supply of water
    haxagonal or triangular system
  • modification of square system
    quincunx system
  • wherein an additional plant (?plant) is placed at the center of a square forming a diamond shape
    filler plant, quincunx system
  • will be removed when the commercial plants starts fruiting
    filler plants
  • commonly used in slope area or hills
    contour system
  • plants are planted in lines/rows following the ?
    contour of the land
  • this system aims to minimize soil erosion and preserve soil moisture
    contour system
  • an important essential input in production of horticulture
  • horticulture crop thus ? and continuous supply necessary

  • if the supply of good water is not enough, an artificial application is required. This is called
  • 3 parts of irrigation system
  • transferred to the fieled or where the crops grown

  • distribution of water in each field

  • distribute the water thru?

    pipelines, sprinklers lines and nozzles
  • where is recycled or disposed
  • widely utilized irrigation system in which application of water is thru overland flow or gravity flow
    surface irrigation
  • highly-efficient watering technique that reduce outdoor water by?
    30 to 40%
  • system that consist of drip irrigation tubing planting aboved 5inches below the surface
    subsurface irrigation
  • the water goes straight to the ?
    lawn's roots
  • application of water which is similar to the action of rainfall
    sprinkler irrigation
  • the distribution of water thru under ground pipes
    drip irrigation
  • it is directly taken up by the roots of the plants
    drip irrigatin
  • uses high volume to achieve an even and rapid distribution of water in a field enclosed by ridges
    basin irrigation
  • the field is similar to a basin ...?
    full of water
  • suitable for soil with moderate to high water holding capacity
    basin irrigation
  • uses small shallow channels or furrows where water flows
    furrow irrigation
  • it is suited to field with moderate to high slope so that water runs freely and reaches the end of the furrows.
    furrow irrigation
  • one disadvantage of furrow irrigation?

    there is more water in the head of furrow than the end