-according to freud, since females do not experience castration anxiety they have less of a need to identify with their same sex parent, suggesting females are less moral than males
research conducted into fight or flight response used male lab mice as they experience fewer hormonal fluctuations and so changes in adrenaline could be more reliably measured
what are some limitations of gender bias in psychology?
-issues of gender bias GO UNCHALLENGED e.g. Dawrins theory of sexual selection suggests women and selective in terms of mate selection. these views have been recently challenged, suggesting women can be as competitive as men.
-gender bias PROMOTES SEXISM in the research process. e.g. women remain underrepresented in uni departments, psychology lecturers tend to be male. this causes research to be conducted by men, disadvantaging women.
-gender differences are often presented as fixed when they're not.
e.g. Maccoby and Jacklin presented findings of gender studies which concluded that girls have better verbal abilities and boys spatial abilities, suggesting these differences were hardwired. These findings became to be seen as facts but were later proven by brain scan studies not to be true. These 'biological' facts may just be social stereotypes.