med 3

Cards (77)

  • Erythrocyte
    Red blood cells responsible for transportation of oxygen and carbon dioxide
  • Etiology
    Study of a cause or causes of a disease
  • Eupnea
    Normal respiration
  • Exacerbation
    Increase of symptoms and/or activity of disease
  • Excision
    The act of cutting away or taking out
  • Expectoration
    The act of coughing up and spitting out materials from the lungs and trachea. The material so ejected is sputum
  • Expiration

    The act of exhaling or breathing out
  • Expiratory obstructions
    Obstructions in any part of the lung that make exhalation difficult
  • Expiratory reserve volume (ERV)

    The amount of air that can be exhaled after a normal resting period, not including residual volume; normally 1200 ml in the adult
  • External respiration
    The exchange of gases between the lungs and the atmosphere
  • Extracellular
    Outside the cell
  • Exudate
    Fluid produced by the lining of a cavity, contains microorganisms and cells
  • Febrile
    Pertains to fever or elevation of body temperature
  • Fetal
    Pertains to the unborn child after the third month of gestation
  • Fetid
    Having a foul odor
  • Fibrillation
    Disorganized contraction of cardiac muscle tissue, resulting in loss of cardiac output
  • Fibrosis
    Abnormal formation of fibrous or scar tissue
  • Fibrothorax
    Fibrous tissue inside the thoracic cavity
  • Fibrous
    Containing or composed of fibers
  • Fistula
    A deep ulcer formed by incomplete closure of a wound or abscess, or an abnormal, tubelike passage within body tissue (e.g., a tracheoesophageal fistula)
  • Flail chest
    A condition in which two or more ribs are broken in the anteroposterior aspect of the thorax
  • Flow rate
    The speed at which a substance moves; referred to here as the movement of gases through a registering flowmeter
  • Foci
    Center of a morbid process
  • Function
    The normal or special action of a part
  • Functional residual capacity (FRC)

    The amount of air that can be exhaled by force after a normal resting inspiration plus the residual volume (which cannot be exhaled); normally 2400 ml in the adult
  • Glycerol (glycerin)

    A colorless syrupy liquid with a sweet taste that mixes easily with water or alcohol and that is incorporated in some aerosol medications to increase the wetting ability of the medicine and to retard evaporation
  • Guillain-Barré syndrome (polyneuritis)

    Diffuse infection or irritation of nerves; may affect the respiratory system by causing paralysis of muscles for breathing
  • Hamman-Rich syndrome
    Diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis
  • Hemithorax
    Half or one side of the thorax
  • Hemoglobin
    The red coloring matter of the blood (when oxygenated) in a normal state. The chemical compound found in the red blood cells that combines with oxygen and whose function it is to carry oxygen.
  • Hemoptysis
    Spitting or coughing blood or bloodtinged mucus
  • Hemorrhage
    Excessive bleeding
  • Hemostasis
    The stopping of bleeding or stagnation of blood flow
  • Hemothorax
    Blood in the thorax; specifically in the pleural space
  • Hering-Breuer reflex

    Nervous impulses that regulate the rhythm and amplitude of respirations
  • Histolytic
    Referring to the degeneration of tissues
  • Humidifier
    An instrument for adding water vapor to the air
  • Humidifying
    The act of adding water vapor to the air
  • Humidity
    Water vapor in the air
  • Hydrostatic
    Liquids in the state of equilibrium