"Plumbism" (Absorption of Lead via Respiratory Tract), most ubiquitos of the toxic metals, exposure may be through air,water or food sources, Main target: Hematopoietic system & nervous system, Factors predispose to increased Lead absorption: Decreased Dietary Calcium, Iron deficiency, Ingestion on an empty stomach, Pharmacokinetics: Lead can cross the placenta & pose a potential hazard to the fetus, Yong children have greater degree of absorption of ingested Lead than adults, The major route of excretion of Lead is through Urine, Skeletal Muscle (Bone) –is the primary repository site of inorganic lead in the body of an adult, Sources: Canned goods, Automobile exhaust, wine glasses, Old pipes, Cables, Paints, MOA: Inhibits cytochrome, Inhibiys heme synthesis ⮑ 🠋O2 Consumption ⮐, Signs & Symptoms: Pb encephalopathy, Hemolytic Anemia, Abdomical Colic, Elevated Liver Enzymes, Pb palsy − wrist/foot drop, Milky vomitus, Black stools, Fanconi-like syndrome ( proteinuria- hematuria), Treatment: Penicillamine, BAL, EDTA