
Cards (51)

  • what are affective symptoms?
    these are symptoms associated with mood
  • what is an example of affective symptoms?
    depressed mood, feeling sad empty and hopeless
  • what is an example of affective symptoms?

    loss of interest and enjoyment of activities previously enjoyed
  • what is an example of cognitive symptoms?
    negative thoughts
  • what is an example of cognitive symptoms?

    blaming themselves for events out of their control
  • what is an example of cognitive symptoms?
    feeling guilty or unworthy of others time
  • what is an example of cognitive symptoms?

    lack of self confidence
  • what is an example of cognitive symptoms?

    recurring thoughts of death or suicide
  • what is an example of bodily symptoms?

    reduced energy and fatigue
  • what is an example of bodily symptoms?
    change in appetite
  • what is an example of bodily symptoms?
    disrupted sleep patterns
  • what is an example of behavioural symptoms?
    signs of agitation, social withdraw
  • neurochemical explanation, what are monoamines 

    this is group name for the neurotransmitters: dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin
  • neurochemical explanation, what is the role of noradrenaline
    a neurotransmitter needed for alertness, energy, anxiety and attention
  • neurochemical explanation, what is the role of dopamine
    this neurotransmitter is related to motivation and attention
  • neurochemical explanation
    low levels of monoamines cause depression
  • neurochemical explanation, what is the role of serotonin 

    it acts to regulate other monoamines, without this regulation erratic brain functioning and thinking patterns occur
  • neurochemical explanation, what could cause low levels of monoamines
    the reuptake mechanisms, this means the pre-synaptic neurons may recapture neurotransmitters, this meaning it will be unable to reach the receptor sites, meaning signals cannot be sent
  • neurochemical explanation, what could cause low levels of monoamines

    mono-oxidase, which is an enzyme that breaks down monoamines, too much of this can mean neurotransmitters such as noradrenaline and dopamine are poorly regulated.
  • neurochemical explanation, what is mono-oxidase
    this is an enzyme which breaks down monoamines
  • cognitive explanations

    claim that depression is due to irrational thoughts from mal-adaptive internal mental processes
  • cognitive explanations, Beck's negative triad

    argues people had three schemas: self schema, schemas of the world around them and schemas of the future
  • cognitive explanations, Beck's negative triad
    self schemas are negative beliefs people have about themselves
  • cognitive explanations, Beck's negative triad

    people have negative schemas about the world around them
  • cognitive explanations, Beck's negative triad

    people have negative schemas about the future
  • cognitive explanations, Beck's negative triad

    negative though patterns can lead to negative behaviours such as social withdraw
  • cognitive explanations, Beck's negative triad

    people may have cognitive distortions, viewing the world inaccurately. examples of these are: overgeneralisation and selective abstraction
  • cognitive explanations, Beck's negative triad
    overgeneralisation is where one negative experience can result in the assumption it will always happen
  • cognitive explanations, Beck's negative triad
    selective abstraction is mentally filtering out the positive experiences and focusing on the negatives
  • cognitive explanations, Seligman's helplessness 

    this is where people start to believe they have no control over what happens to them, they cannot prevent it, and so they begin to think, feel and act as if they are helpless
  • cognitive explanations, Seligman's helplessness 

    the helplessness is not an innate trait but is conditioned through continuous negative experience
  • cognitive explanations, attribution styles

    this is the factor which a person blames for the outcome of a situation
  • cognitive explanations, attribution styles

    one attribution style is internal, this meaning the blame of the outcome is something to do with the individual
  • cognitive explanations, attribution styles
    one attribution style is stable, this meaning the blame of the outcome does not change over time or across situations
  • cognitive explanations, attribution styles

    one attribution style is global, this meaning the blame of the outcome applies to many situations
  • treatment, cognitive behavioural therapy

    aims to correct faulty cognitions
  • treatment, cognitive behavioural therapy

    stage one is a preliminary analysis (assessment)
  • treatment, cognitive behavioural therapy

    during preliminary analysis, the therapist and client work together to asses the clients functioning
  • treatment, cognitive behavioural therapy

    during preliminary analysis the therapist assesses the severity of the depression, past treatments and the clients history
  • treatment, cognitive behavioural therapy

    during preliminary analysis interviews and questionnaires will be used to measure depression and co-morbidities such as substance abuse and anxiety