his attempt was based on inductive-deductivereasoning
motion can either natural or violentmotion
3. Galilean
he believedthatan object thrown at a certain angle is given an impetus
4. Aristotelian
earth objects/ materials falls towards the center of the earth as it seeks its natural place
5. Aristotelean
Heavy objects fall faster than the light one with relation to its weight and a proportional speed.
6. Aristotelean
Objects falls faster in air than water with relation to the resisting force proportional to its speed and medium (air or water
7. Aristotelean
Objects can be moved away from their natural places called Violent Motion, that causes motive force
8. Aristotelean
There is NO MOTION without FORCE. The speed (v) of an object is proportional to the motive force (F) and inversely proportional to the resistance (R) of the medium
9. Galilean
Believed that the motion of objects is not simply due to the composition of objects
10. Aristotelean
A projectile is a combination of uniform motion in the horizontal direction and uniformly accelerated motion