a material that allows electrons to flow through it easily
What is an insulator?
where electrical current cannot flow freely
If an object loses electrons it becomes ...
positively charged
If an object gains electrons it becomes
negatively charged
Small difference in charge:
low voltage
High voltage=
large difference in charge
What is used to measure potentialdifference
Ammeters are used to measure
ammeters are always in
__________ are always in parallel to the component
What does a resistor do?
It reduces the flow of current through the circuit
How does an LDR work
As light intensity increases, resistance decreases
How does a thermistor work?
As temperature increases, resistance decreases
A ______ can only let electricity flow one way
What is charge measured in
Coulombs, C
What is charge denoted by (what is it in an equation)
What is the equation for charge
Charge = Current X Time (Q = It)
What is potential difference?
size of difference in charge given by a battery/ used by a component
what is the full name for amps
Current is measured in
current is denoted with the letter
A direct current goes
onedirection only
an alternating current
constantly reverses
in science what is time measured in
How does a battery work?
when a battery is turned on the negative electrons are repelled from the battery's negative side and are attracted to the battery's positive side
What type of reaction occurs in batterys
Current is the same everywhere in a
series circuit
in a series circuit voltage is
in a parallel circuit _____ is the same everywhere
Current is shared between branches
in a parallel circuit
What is resistance measured in?
Ohms (Ω)
what is the equation for voltage
V=IR (voltage = current x resistance)
potential difference and current are
directly proportional
a device that obeys ohmic law (voltage+currentareproportional) is known as what
Name an ohmic (linear) component
wire , resistor
name a nonohmic component
thermistor, filament lamp, ldr, diode
how do you work out the totalresistance in a seriescircuit
Total resistance = R1+R2 + R3
how do you work out the totalresistance in a parallelcircuit
Total resistance = 1/R1+1/R2+1/R3
Describe an LDRgraph:(light-dependentresistor)
As the lightintensityincreases the resistance starts to decrease. It falls quickly at first but decreases more slowly for higher light intensities. The graph is a curve.