Disorders + Clinical Treatments

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  • maladaptation = biological traits or behavior traits that are detrimental, counterproductive, or interfere with daily functioning
  • insight therapy = looking into the deep root cause of the problem to resolve a problem
  • psychoanalysis
    • freud
    • repression and rationalization
    • reveal the contents of the unconscious
    • free association
    • verbalizing without censorship and saying whatever comes to mind
    • takes time
    • transference = patient displacing their thoughts and feelings onto the therapist
    • countertransference = therapist pushing their feelings onto the patient
  • Humanistic Therapy:
    • carl rogers
    • "client"
    • focuses on present reality (not the past)
    • conscious
    • person-centered therapy
    • individuals must be understood purely
    • realideal seld
    • unconditional positive regard
    • genuine ... authenticity
    • empathic understanding
  • Gestalt Therapy:
    • self-awareness + self-acceptance = keys to personal growth
    • looking at the whole person
  • Behavioral Therapy:
    • short term
    • reinforcement / shaping to change the frequency of voluntary behavior
    • treats symptoms
    • disorders are learned
    • action based
    • old learning created the problem and new learning can correct it
    • clear-cut techniques to evaluate effectiveness
  • counterconditioning = replacing a response to a stimulus with a different response to condition the patient against positive expectation of the stimulus
  • aversion therapy = repeatedly pairing the aversive stimulus with the maladaptive behavior
  • systematic desensitization = gradually exposing an individual to a hierarchy of levels of exposure
  • flooding = relies on immersion, immediate encounter with problematic stimulus
  • implosion = client imagining an encounter with the problematic stimulus rather than having an actually physical encounter
  • behavioral contracting = client and therapist collaborate on the design of an agreement upon both agreeing to abide wherein the client agrees not to display certain behavior
  • modeling:
    • Bandura's social learning theory
    • clients observe an individual comporting themselves in a particular way, they they're rewarded
    • a person with specific fears or who needs to develop social skills can learn to do so by watching someone else
    • participant modeling = the model demonstrates the desired behavior in a gradual process, then the client is encouraged to imitate the model
  • rational emotive behavioral therapy (REBT) :
    • Albert Ellis
    • during life's challenges, ppl tell themselves thoughts that express maladaptive thoughts
    • directly confronts maladaptive thoughts
  • cognitive therapy:
    • Aaron Beck
    • maladaptive schemas ~ role they play in forming the basis for cognitive distortion in ppls thinking
    • ppl pay attention to negative stimuli (biased attention) and have a dominant perception of that negative stimuli (biased processing)... tendancy to recall primarily negative experiences (biased memory) and express negative internal representations towards themselves (dysfunctional attitudes / negative schemas)
    • cognitive triad = negative sense of self, world, and future
  • Lobotomy = surgeon severs the nerve fibers running between the frontal lobe and the thalamus
  • ECT: passing electrical current through brain, producing brief seizure...carried out with anesthesia (NOT DRUGS) for depression and catatonia
  • EMDR = eye movement desentizitation and reprocessing
    • 84-90% lose PTSD
    • 3 x 90 min sessions
  • abnormal psychology = the study of individuals with psychological disorders
  • weird behaviors...
    1. unusual
    2. maladaptive
    3. abnormal
    4. perceptual / cognitive irregularity
  • DSM = classification of behavioral / mental disorders (symptoms + definitions but NOT treatments)
  • ICD = gives in-depth explanation of causes of disorders
  • rule out facitious disorder = when a patient falsifies medical symptoms bc they feel they need to be sick/injured
  • malingering = someone fakes illness for a concrete gain (faking the flu to get out of work)
  • neurodevelopmental disorders = develops early in life, includes trauma, genetic disorders, + brain damage
    • "global" (broadscale) impact or specific impairments
  • intellectual disability = delayed development in an individual's overall mental capacity ~ judgment, academic learning, problem-solving, reasoning, etc.
  • autism spectrum disorder (ASD) = neurodevelopmental disorder affecting individuals in childhood
    • verbal and nonverbal
    • 80% more likely in identical twins
    • difficulty perceiving social cues + diminished capability engaging with others
    • repetitive behaviors
    • restricitive outlook
    • don't like change
    • vaccines don't cause autism
    • is caused by immune-meditated disease bc of ingestion of wheat gliadin
  • schizophrenia:
    • altered perception of reality / inability to distinguish reality from fiction
    • paranoia ~ mistrust + belief in persecution
    • may exhibit cataonia = poorly managed muscle movement
    • hallucinations = perceptin that has no basis in reality (they think they're sensing it)
    • delusions = beliefs that are not based in reality (tell themselves something to the point that they belive it)
    • disorganized speech and thought = moving abruptly from topic to topic in dusjointed fashion while producing nonsensical speech "word salad" that has little relevance
  • positive symptom = the prescence of a behavior that's not normal (like hallucinations and delusions)
  • negative symptoms = absence of a regular behavior (like flat affect)
    • not having emotional regard or expressing emotions
  • depressive disorders:
    • mood disorder = long-term feeling of doom, isolated/empty and patterns of thinking that disrupt daily life
    • CBT + meds
    • SSRI, zoloft, ect.
    • manage levels of serotonin (keeps it in the synapse for longer which makes it more effective)
    • MDD = most severe, have suicidal ideation + have low levels of serotonin / metabolites
    • persistent depressive disorder = "chronic depression" of 2yr+
    • anxiety + suicidal idealation
  • Anxiety disorders

    • Too much sympathetic nervous system activation (stress)
    • Elevated heart rate
    • Elevated respiratory rate
    • Gastrointestinal symptoms
    • Feeling overwhelmed
    • Dizziness
    • Moodiness (fear/anger)
    • General uncomfortable feeling
  • Treatments for anxiety disorders

    • Behavioral modification
    • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
    • Psychotherapy
    • Pharmacological treatment using anxiolytics
  • Traditional treatments for anxiety

    • Martial arts
    • Yoga
    • Breathing
    • Attitude adjustment
  • Panic disorder

    Recurring panic attacks (only minutes at a time), with sympathetic nervous system activation, sweating, increased heart rate, etc.
    • OCD = marked by persistent and automatic thoughts with repetitive behaviors that are intrusive
    • obsessions = unwanted thoughts/desires that beset an individual
    • compulsions = repetitive behaviors that na individual feels driven to perform
    • body dysmorphic disorder = obsessive thoughts about bodily defects
    • hoarding disorder =. the need to save possesions
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

    Perpetual state of sympathetic nervous system arousal with impending sense of doom
  • Phobias

    Irrational and unwanted fears of objects or scenarios
  • Social/Anxiety Phobia

    Overwhelming stress of social situations, avoidance of eye contact and routine interactions
  • Bipolar disorder

    Alternating between depression and mania