religou studies

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  • Origins and value of the universe
    Scientific explanations: The big bang theory which happened 13.7 billion years ago from a small dense hot point. Hubble's law: measures the continuing expansion from the centre of the hot point ; background radiation. Christian responses: Universe is created by God which is proved by the bible. Some Christians believe it literally and others take it metaphorically. Why is the universe valuable according to christians: it's God's creation and he continues to sustain it. It reflects God's love and power. it is given as a gift "fill the earth and subdue it". Christian responses to the idea that the universe can be used as a commodity: It's a gift from God. Most Christians would say that even though you can use the Earth's resources you should look after it
  • Sanctity of life
    Life is created by God and was made holy by him. They believe they have a special relationship with God. God made humans in "his image". God planned each person's life before they were born. The human body was designed to be a special place of dwelling of the holy spirit. "Temple of the holy spirit". As all people are made in the image of God, it means people should be treated with respect and dignity. God cares for humans who are able to form a relationship with him
  • Origins and value of human life
    Evolution - Life evolved by natural selection
  • Why the universe is valuable according to Christians
    • It's God's creation and he continues to sustain it
    • It reflects God's love and power
    • It is given as a gift "fill the earth and subdue it"
  • Christian responses to the idea that the universe can be used as a commodity
    • It's a gift from God
    • Most Christians would say that even though you can use the Earth's resources you should look after it
  • Sanctity of life
    • Life is created by God and was made holy by him
    • They believe they have a special relationship with God
    • God made humans in "his image"
    • God planned each person's life before they were born
    • The human body was designed to be a special place of dwelling of the holy spirit "Temple of the holy spirit"
  • Why sanctity of life is important
    • As all people are made in the image of God, it means people should be treated with respect and dignity
    • God cares for humans who are able to form a relationship with him
  • Origins and value of human life

    • Evolution - Life evolved by natural selection
    • Charles Darwin observed that different finches have different shaped beaks for which environment they're in
  • Christian responses to evolution

    • Some reject evolution because they believe that God created humans in his image
    • However, some accept evolution as God can still be involved in the process of evolution
  • Christians believe all humans are sacred
  • Why origins and value of human life are important to Christians
    • They need to consider that both religious and scientific explanations are compatible
    • There is strong evidence to support scientific reasons
  • Abortion
    Deliberate ending of a pregnancy by surgical or medical means
  • Pro-life views

    • Catholics and evangelical
    • Life begins at conception
    • "Thou shall not kill"
    • The foetus is created in the image of God
    • Every human has the right to live
    • God knew humans before they were conceived
    • "You knit me together in my mothers womb"
  • Pro-choice views

    • Church of England and liberal Protestants
    • Life doesn't begin at conception so it isn't murder
    • Situation ethics: most loving thing to do
  • Non-religious pro-choice views

    • The foetus is not a person until it can survive outside the womb, a woman should have the right to do what they want with their body, if a baby is not wanted it is better for it not to be born
  • Non-religious pro-life views

    • Every foetus has the right to have a life, the women's rights shouldn't outweigh the rights of the baby, adoption is an alternative choice
  • Situation ethics

    Do the most loving thing in the situation, considering all the options
  • Life after death

    • The Bible promises an afterlife
    • If God is eternal and created life for a purpose then it must exist beyond death
    • The resurrection of Jesus proves that life after death is guaranteed for those who believe in him
  • Why life after death is significant

    • They believe that life after death was the reason that Jesus came to save humans from sins
    • Give them joy and hope for the future
    • Believing in God will impact the judgement of each human
  • Non-religious arguments against life after death

    • It's a source of comfort
    • Lack of evidence
    • Used as a form of social control
  • Why Christians would reject non-religious arguments against life after death

    • Even though it does give comfort, Christians believe it's not considered as evidence for life after death
    • They believe that science cannot always prove everything and evidence comes in different forms
  • Euthanasia
    The act of ending another person's life, in order to end their suffering
  • Arguments for euthanasia
    • If the quality of life promised is compromised, maybe the sanctity of life is
    • It may be the most loving thing to do
  • Arguments against euthanasia

    • The story of Job shows that we should respect bad from good from God as well
    • Goes against the sanctity of life
    • God created humans in his image
    • Euthanasia can be used for evil
  • Non-religious arguments for euthanasia

    • It allows people to have a gentle and pain free death if they are suffering too much
    • Allows a person to die with dignity
    • Medics can focus their attention on those that can actually survive
    • Helps families who are having financial problems
  • Non-religious arguments against euthanasia

    • Requires judgement that life is not worth living; but all lives are worth something
    • Sick people may feel pressured to have euthanasia
    • Doctors or relatives may make the decision without asking the patient
  • Christian views on the natural world
    • Some would say that we should have dominion over the world which means using earth's resources for our benefits
    • Some believe in stewardship which means humans have a responsibility to care for the environment
  • Christian views on treatment of animals

    • Animals are a part of God's creation so humans must care for them
    • However humans are more important as God made humans in his image and not animals
    • Animals deserve respect and should not be treated cruelly but humans have dominion over animals
    • Therefore, some Christians would argue that animals can be used for medical experiments, if it will be helpful for humans
  • Christian teachings about marriage

    • It is a gift from God
    • You should be faithful in marriage
    • Sex only in marriage
    • For Catholics marriage is a sacrament
    • "The two will become one flesh"
    • God intended that men and women should marry
    • Marriage creates a unity which is physical and emotional
  • Importance of marriage in society

    • Encourages stability
    • Makes a secure environment for children to live in
    • Provides legal protection
  • Christian responses to sexual relationships

    • Sex is a sacred union between a married couple
    • Catholics believe that sex should be only done for the purpose of procreation and contraception is forbidden
    • Promiscuity and adultery is wrong
  • Different Christian attitudes to relationships outside of marriage

    • Sex should only take place in marriage because it is the highest expression of love, it's for procreation, the Bible has teachings that sex is only allowed in marriage
    • Some Christians believe that sex is acceptable outside of marriage if the relationship is a long term one
  • Abstinence
    Choosing not to have sex
  • Christian attitudes to homosexuality

    • Catholics and Anglicans say that homosexuality is not allowed as it says "do not lie with a men as with a women"
    • Some Christians believe that all passages in the Bible say that all love is positive and should be allowed
    • It does not turn you away from God
    • Homosexuals are the children of God as God made them in his image
  • Types of families

    • Nuclear - two parents and children
    • Same sex - two same sex parents
    • Extended family - parents and children and other relations
    • Single parent - one parent with children
    • Blended family - parents with children from previous relationships
  • Purpose of families
    • It's for procreation and God taught humans to "be fruitful and multiply"
    • Children are considered as a gift from God
    • Education - children are taught to respect and obey their parents
    • Christian parents usually bring their children up within their faith
    • Security - the family provides a safe, stable environment in which to bring up children
    • Christians believe that all children should have this security
  • How the local church provides support for families

    • Operate food banks
    • School assemblies
    • Running courses on parenting
    • Counselling
    • They did this as God taught Christians to "love your neighbour"
  • Role of children in the church

    Children should be baptised then welcomed into the community
  • Christian views on contraception

    • Catholics believe The use of artificial contraception is wrong as it goes against God's word "to be fruitful and multiply"
    • However, Protestant churches think that it's a sensible way to plan a family and contraception prevents unwanted pregnancy
  • Non-religious attitudes to contraception
    • Humanists believe that people should make their own choices based on what makes them happy
    • If contraception is used the right way then it should be allowed
    • It's not wrong to interfere with nature if the consequences are positive for all involved