Early tetrapod's and amphibians

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  • transition from water to land, air is less dense, land has higher temperature fluctuations and there is more oxygen available on land
  • tetrapods are dependent on water for breathing, their skin helps them breathe, mucus glands, small lungs and are ectothermic
  • Modern Amphibians are largely water dependent, reproduction happens in the water, larvae have gills and thin skin for cutaneous respiration.
  • Mordern amphibians are ectothermic and very diverse in species
  • Grandular skin- rich in mucus and poison glands
  • aposematic coloration- warning coloration and mimicry
  • thin skin and water dependency makes them highly succeptable to environmental change
  • Order Gmynaphonia - Caecilians
  • Order gymnoaphoria - elongate, limbless and burrowing, many vertebrae, no limbs and reduced eyes, eats worms and other small vertebrates
  • Reproduction in gmynaphonia - internal fertilization, egg deposited in moist ground near water, larvae developed within egg
  • Order urodela- salamanders
  • Order urodela ost have aquatic larvae and terrestrial adults, both are carnivores
  • Respiration in urodela - vascular skin, external gills, lungs, both or neither. Typically born with gills which are lost at metamorphosis
  • Breeding behaviors of urodela - egg and larval stages require water, internal fertilization in most, spermatophores
  • Paedomorphis in urodela - dont complete metamorphosis and retain gills and fin like tail
  • Order Anura- frogs and toads
  • Order anura must live near water, reproduction requires water and water permeable skin
  • Order anura all have tailed larvae with tailess jumping adults
  • Reproduction in anura- amplexus
  • Anuran families - ranidae (large frog in North America), Hylidae (tree frog) Bufonidae (true toads)
  • Aunurans can undergo winter hibernation by keeping glucose in their circulatory system
  • Anurans can keep young larvae in mouth, or under skin