psychology - memory

Cards (14)

  • Memory capacity

    • 712 items
    • Infinite capacity
  • Memory duration

    • STM has a short duration
    • LTM lasts forever
  • Memory coding

    • STM largely encoded acoustically
    • LTM largely encoded semantically
  • What is the definition of capacity
    How much data can be held in a memory store
  • Measuring memory capacity

    • Jacobs - digit span (9.3 for items, 7.3 for letters)
    • Miller - Memory span (7±2 ‘chunks’ of information)
  • Memory capacity may be more limited than previously thought
  • STM is likely to be limited to about 4 chunks
  • Larger chunks (words/phrases) are remembered better than smaller chunks (syllables)
  • Memory capacity decreases with age
  • Memory duration

    How long a memory lasts before it is no longer available
  • Measuring STM duration

    1. Participants given consonant syllable and 3-digit number
    2. Asked to recall consonant syllable after 2, 9, or 18 seconds
    3. 90% correct after 2 seconds, 20% after 9 seconds, 2% after 18 seconds
  • Measuring LTM duration

    • Photo recognition test (50% accuracy after 15 years, 70% after 48 years)
    • Free recall test (67% after 15 years, 30% after 4 years)
  • The studies on memory duration have low ecological validity as they do not reflect everyday memory activities
  • Forgetting in the Peterson study may be due to displacement rather than decay