External ventricular drain (EVD) is a tube that drains CSF from the brain
When moving a patient with an EVD, it must be clamped, move the patient to a new position, then have nursing reset the device before unclamping
Normal ICP: 5-15
Restraints are used when a patient interferes with the treatment plan or are in danger to themselves or others. Used when all other methods have failed
Locked restraints are for violent behavior
Soft restraints are for non-self-destructive behavior
List the four types of restraints
Locked restraints
Soft restraints
four bed rails
wedging bed against the wall
Rate = 100-120 bpm
Adult 1 or 2 = 30:2, depth 2-2.4 inch
Child/infant 1 rescuer = 30:2, 1.5-2 inch
Child/infant 2 rescuers = 15:2, depth 1.5-2 inch
Rescue breath
Adult = 1 breath every 5-6 sec
Child = 1 breath every 2-3 sec
If patient is unresponsive = lower them to the ground and begin CPR (starting with chest compressions), check their mouth before rescue breaths to see if item is dislodged
If patient is responsive = abdominal thrusts until object is out or pt loses consciousness
Pillow under head
Keep onlookers away
Do not forcibly hold the pt down - roll onto their side
Do not put anything in their mouth
Monitor respiratory status
Time the seizure, if longer than 5 minutes call 911
Infiltration = most common complication seen in children
area is tense to touch, cool, swollen
tx is elevation, cool compress, plus analgesics
CVC complications
Occlusion - kink in the line, notify RN
Air embolism - place pt on left side in trendelenberg, head down, notify RN/MD stat and do not move the patient
Sx: pallor, tachycardia, cyanosis, cough
Admin O2 and monitor pulse ox
CVC complications
Malposition - neck/chest swelling, gurgling sound in ears
notify RN
Catheter breakage/dislodgment leakage
IMMEDIATELY clamp catheter above the breakage using a non-toothed clamp
Dislodgment = the length is longer than before, page RN, they will stop infusion, notify MD
NWB = 0% of pts weight
Walker, crutches
TDWB - limb only used for balance
Walker, crutches
PWB - 50% of pts body weight
Walker, crutches
WBAT - as much weight as comfortable
Walker, crutches, WBQC, cane
FWB - full body weight
No device needed, may use cane for balance
Glaucoma = losing peripheral vision first
Cataracts = cloudiness, blurry vision
Homonymoushemianopsia = visual field cut in the same field of vision
Hemi-spatial visual neglect = not acknowledging a field of vision; only drawing one side of a clock
When to not initiate PT:
Resting HR is <50 bpm or >120 bpm
Resting SBP <90 mmHg or >200
Resting glucose <70 or >200
When to terminate PT:
RR > 40
HR decreases > 10 bpm with activity
SpO2 < 90%
SBP decreases >10 with activity
Doning PPE
Doffing PPE
Contact Precautions:
Gloves and gown
Wash hands before and after wearing gloves
Droplet Precautions:
Gloves, gown, facemark, goggles
Airborne Precautions:
Private room with negative pressure
Respirator, gown, mask, goggles, gloves
When to wash hands with hand sanitizer vs soap and water:
Before touching a patient
Before a procedure
After a procedure or bodily fluid exposure
After touching a patient
After touching a patient surroundings
every five uses of hand sanitizer, you need to wash hands
Acute rehab:
3 hours per day for 5-7 consecutive days (15 hours in 7 days)
Average length of stay 10-14 days
Physician care daily
Subacute rehab:
1 or 2 hours of therapy per day
Average length of stay 24-60 days
Physician care once a week
Common door width = 32 inches
Max force to open doors = 5 lbs
Counter top heights = 36 inches
Elevator call button = no more than 54 inches
Ramp rise = 1 inch, 12 inch run ratio
if taller than 6", must have railings on both sides
When to mobilize when a pt has a DVT
Mobility is contraindicated until intervention is initiated
Anticoagulation is the main intervention
Therapy may still be possible on unaffected limbs
Mobility to be restarted ASAP, immobility is a huge risk factor for another DVT
ACSM Strengthening Guidelines
> 2 days/week
Light - 40-50% I RM
Moderate - 60-80% 1 RM, 5-6 on BORG
Vigorous - 60-80% 1 RM, 7-8 on BORG
8-10 exercises of major muscle groups
>1 set of 10-15 reps, progress to 1-3 sets of 8-12 reps