To date, no adverse health effects attributed to genetic engineering have been documented in the human population (National research Council, 2004)
Crop improvement by the modern molecular techniques of biotechnology is safe. (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2012)
Bioengineered foods have been consumed for close to 20 years, and during that time, no overt consequences on human health have been reported and/or substantiated in the peer-reviewed literature (Council on Science & Public Health, 2012)
GM foods currently available in the international market have passed safety assessments and are not likely to present risk for human health (WHO, 2014)
Foods from genetically engineered plants intended to be grown in US that have been evaluated by FDA through consultation process have not gone in the market until FDA's questions about the safety of such products have been resolved (US Food & Drug Administration, 2015)
The main conclusion to be drawn from the efforts of more than 130 research projects, covering a period of more than 25 years of research, and involving more than 500 independent research groups, is the biotechnology, & in particular GMOs are not per se more risky, e.g. conventional plant breeding technologies (European Commission, 2010)