Plasma membrane - Protects the cell from its surroundings, regulates movement of substances in and out of the cell
Cytoplasm - Where metabolic reactions take place
Nucleus - Surrounded by a double membrane (envelope) and contains genetic information, controls/regulates metabolic cell activity
Nucleolus - Region of dense DNA and protein, makes ribosomes
80S ribosomes - Site of protein synthesis
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum - A series of single, flattened sacs enclosed by a membrane, has ribosomes on the surface, proteins are made here
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum - A series of single, tubular sacs made of membrane, lipids are made here
Vesicles - Small, membrane-bound sacs, transports and stores substances in the cell
Golgi Apparatus - A series of single, curved sacs enclosed by a membrane, modified proteins and packages them in vesicles for transport
Lysosomes - Enclosed by a single membrane, contains digestive enzymes, destroys old organelles and pathogens, breaks down waste material
Centrioles - Two hollow cylinders arranged at right-angles to each other, makes the spindle in cell division
Mitochondria - Site of respiration