People going on holiday either inside their country or to a new country
very important tertiaryeconomicactivity
contributes valuableincome to the economy
Types of tourism
Areasofnatural beauty
Tourism in Ireland
Agencies dedicated to tourism, including FáilteIreland and DiscoverIreland
Towns that are popular with tourists have touristinformationboxes
Dublin is our top tourist destination, with over 7 million visitors in 2022
Areas of Natural Beauty in Ireland
Rugged and beautiful landscapes, including high sea cliffs, glacialmountain formations, and rivers and lakes
Beaches and coastlines in Ireland
Coastalerosion and deposition have created a rugged shoreline of spectacular cliffs and sandy beaches
Beaches and coastlines in Ireland example
Portmarnock, Co.Dublin
Recreational and sporting facilities in Ireland
Activity-basedholidays are growing in popularity every year
Examples include golfcourses, adventurecentres, trails for hillwalkers and cyclists, and fishingspots
Cities in Ireland
Dublin, Cork,Belfast, are popular for both for Irish people and tourists travelling abroad
Impact of tourism on the environment
Pollution, litter on ground/sea side, rivers/lakes, increase in gas emissions from transport, damage to natural landscape from overcrowding and damage to soil, damage to flora and fauna
Sustainable and responsible travel that aims to avoid having a negativeeffect on the environment
what is tertiary economic activites?
tertiary economic activities include providing services and facilities to people on a dailybasis. it creates jobs and money for the government to spend