Heterotrophic: Gains nutrition by consuming nutrients
(consumers) e.g. animals
Ingestion: Takinginfood
Photosynthesis: Making glucose using light energy
Saprotrophic: Gains nutrition from breaking down dead/decayingmatter outside the body e.g. fungi
Autotrophic: Gains nutrition by making their own food by photosynthesis (producers)e.g. plants
Heterotrophic: Gains nutrients by consumingnutrients(consumers) e.g. animals
Aerobic respiration is the release of energy using oxygen
Aerobic respiration is the release ofenergyusingoxygen
One of the characteristics of living organisms is respiration , the release of chemicalenergy in cells . cells use the energy for all their reactions and processes
Cells use energy for all their reactions and processes . they include:
movement - muscle contraction
making new substances from smallmolecules , e.g proteinsfromaminoacids
growth and repair - putting together substances to make newcells
active transport - moving substances through a cellmembrane against a concentrationgradient
nerveimpulses- energy is needed for nerve cells to pass impulses along their length
heat - to keep mammals and birds at a constantbodytemperature