Parallelstructure or parallelism is the use of similar grammatical structure to show equal importance. Parallel words, phrases, or clauses are connected using coordinating conjuctions and correlativeconjunctions
Activevoice of the verb occurs when the subject is the doer of the verb.
Passive voice of the verb occurs when the subjectreceives the action of the verb.
Voice of the verb indicates when a grammatical subject performs the action or is the receiver of the action.
Simple sentence
Contains only one independent clause
Expresses a complete thought
Compound sentence
At least two independent clauses
Connected by a coordinatingconjunction or a semicolon
Complex sentence
At least oneindependent clause and one or moredependent clauses
Connected by a subordinating conjunction
At least twoindependent clauses and at least onedependent clause
A reference to the source of information used in one's written work
Modifier is a word or phrase that describes another word
Danglingmodifier occurs when the word or the subject is missing from the
The act of presenting the works of another person as your own
MLA (ModernLanguageAssociation)
Citation style more commonly used in academ
APA (AmericanPsychologicalAssociation)
Citation style more commonly used in social sciences
In-textcitation or parentheticalreference
A briefreference made within the body
The list of all the references indicated on the lastpage
MLA in-text citation
Author'slastname and pagenumber (ex: (Taylor 3))
APA in-text citation
Author's last name and publicationyear (ex: (Taylor, 2018, p. 23))
Ampersand (&)
Used in APA citation
Used in MLA citation
et al.
Used in MLA and APA citation for 3 or moreauthors, meaning "and others"
Misplaced modifier occurs when it is placed next to the wrongword